On 12 November 2012 22:26, NJ1706 <nickj1...@googlemail.com> wrote: > Chaps, > > I am new to Python & have inherited a test harness written in the language > that I am trying to extend. > > The following code shows how dictionaries holding lists of commands are > handled in the script... > > >>> Start of Code_1 <<<
<SNIP> > >>> End of Output_1 <<< > > Note that dict1 contains only the details of the particlare test, see YYY. > > This is a very cut down script compared to the real thing & in reality > there are many more entries in the TestList and also there are many > dictionaries. To make the script simpler to extend I would like to remove > the need to manually create each of the dictionaries. > > After some reading around I found the dict.fromkeys() method & came up > with the following... > > >>> Start of Code_2 <<< <SNIP > >>> End of Ouput_2 <<< > > This almost does what I want but dict2[Test_2] displayed at XXX contains > the value for Test_1 as well as Test_2. I would be very grateful if someone > can help me to get the line marked with XXX to be the same as YYY in code_1 > at the start. > > I am using Python 2.6.8 on Cygwin 1.7.17 but get the same results on > CentOS 6.3 > First of all, thank you for being thorough. It's always a help. *However*, a minimalistic will be read faster usually, so you may want to crop down what you have. Additionally, it can result in you solving it yourself! The problem is as follows "{1:[], 2:[], 3:[]}" does not equal "dict.fromkeys([1, 2, 3], [])" You could have worked out this much very quickly, as it is the only thing you change in the code. Let's look: >>> {1:[], 2:[], 3:[]} {1: [], 2: [], 3: []} >>> dict.fromkeys([1,2,3], []) {1: [], 2: [], 3: []} >>> Oh no! They are the same! What has happened? Well, they're *not*. In the first example each of the lists are *unique*: >>> dct = {1:[], 2:[], 3:[]} >>> dct[1] is dct[2] False >>> dct[1] is dct[3] False >>> dct[2] is dct[3] False >>> In the second, they are all *the same list*: >>> dct = dict.fromkeys([1,2,3], []) >>> dct[1] is dct[2] True >>> dct[1] is dct[3] True >>> dct[2] is dct[3] True >>> What does this mean? >>> a = [] >>> b = [] >>> c = b >>> >>> a is b False >>> b is c True >>> >>> a.append(1) >>> b.append(2) >>> c.append(3) >>> >>> a [1] >>> b [2, 3] >>> c [2, 3] >>> Because b and c in this are *the same*, changing one *is* changing the other. Hence, you've appended *two* things to b and c, but only one to a. In your code you use .append on the items in your dict. This will have the same problem as with a, b and c above. If you want to make a dict, you can use a dictionary comprehension. I assume you understand what a list comprehension is. If not, look here: http://docs.python.org/2/tutorial/datastructures.html#list-comprehensions Dict comprehension: {i:[] for i in ["Test 1", "Test 2", "Test 3"]}
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