On 11/02/2012 03:57 AM, Jamie Paul Griffin wrote:
> / ru...@yahoo.com wrote on Thu  1.Nov'12 at 15:00:48 -0700 /
>> [...list of Thunderbird problems...]
> With a list of problems like that maybe the time spent on learning
> how to use a Usenet client or mua that is properly written would be
> worthwhile.
And that would be which one exactly?  I have tried a few 
other mail and usenet clients, and as I said, indeed the 
point of my post was, they *all* have their own set of 
bugs, misfeatures and missing features.

> Personally I haven't used the Google Groups interface,
> and most likely never will so I can't really comment on how it
> performs or how nice it is to use but if you're happy with it that's
> the main thing. But you can't deny that it does cause irritating
> problems for other people trying to read information sent from it.

I can and do deny that.  I certainly acknowledge that 
GG contributes to such posts, but naive users of GG and 
readers who are too easily irritated are two other major 
contributing factors.

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