On 2012-09-16, ???????? ?????? <nikos.gr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Iam positng via google groups using chrome, thats all i know.

Learn something else.  Google Groups is seriously and permanently
broken, and all posts from Google Groups are filtered out and ignored
by many people (including myself -- I only saw this because somebody
else replied to it).

IMO, the best option is to point a newsreader an an NNTP server that
carries comp.lang.python (gname.org also provides an NNTP server that
gateways to the mailing list).  Pointing a newsreader at gmane's NNTP
server is also an excellent option.

If all you can do is run a browwer, then I suggest using gmane.org:


> Whats a mailing list?


The python mailing list is gatewayed to the Usenet newsgroup
comp.lang.python (which is where I read/post from):


> Can i get responses to my mail instead of constantly check the google
> groups site?

Yes.  You can subscribe directly to the list (which means you'll
receive a _lot_ of e-mail every day).

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! If I felt any more
                                  at               SOPHISTICATED I would DIE
                              gmail.com            of EMBARRASSMENT!

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