Hi, I've two questions concerning organizing and naming things when writing a Python package.
- Naming of classes: I'm writing a library that reads PDF files. I have a data structure that represents the large-scale structure of a PDF file (header, trailer, incremental updates etc), and I'll have others, e.g. one that represents the document as a collection of logical objects (page descriptions, images etc). Assume I have a package called PDF. Should the classes then be called simply File and Objects, as it is clear what they do as they are imported from PDF? Or should they be called PDFFile and PDFObjects, as the names would be too undescriptive otherwise? - Organizing subpackages and interfaces: I'm using the zope.interface package in order to define interface classes. In a small package called foo, one might define interfaces IReadableFoo and IWritableFoo in foo.interfaces. However, in a large package foo with subpackages bar and baz, interface definitions might either sit in foo.bar.interfaces and foo.baz.interfaces, or in foo.interfaces.bar and foo.interfaces.baz. Which is preferable? Thanks for any thought on this. -- Thomas -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list