Cameron Simpson <> wrote: >| Because "\s{6}+" >| has other meanings in different regex syntaxes and the designers didn't >| want confusion? > > I think Python REs are supposed to be Perl compatible; ISTR an opening > sentence to that effect... > I don't know the full history of how regex engines evolved, but I suspect at least part of the answer is that the decisions the Perl developers made influenced the other implementations.
Perl's quantifiers allow both '?' and '+' as modifiers on the standard quantifiers so clearly you cannot stack those particular quantifiers in Perl, therefore quantifiers in general are unstackable. The only grammars I can find online for regular expressions split out the elements and quantifiers the way I did in my previous post. Python's regex parser (and I would guess also most of the others in existence) tend more to the spaghetti code than following a grammar (_parse is a 238 line function). So I think it really is just trying to match existing regular expression parsers and any possible grammar is an excuse for why it should be the way it is rather than an explanation. -- Duncan Booth --