On Sunday 16 September 2012 12:08:47 pandora.ko...@gmail.com did opine: > Whaen i tried to post just now by hitting sumbit, google groups told me > that the following addresssed has benn found in this thread! i guess is > used them all to notify everything! > > cdf072b2-7359-4417-b1e4-d984e4317...@googlegroups.com > mailman.774.1347735926.27098.python-l...@python.org > nikos.gr...@gmail.com
Look, this googlegroups thing acting as a spam gateway has long since gotten old. Whatever agent/program you are using must be a busted windows application because it is not showing you the last line of every post that comes through the list server which is: <http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list> There is, immediately above that line a '-- ' (note the space after, and its always after a linefeed or carriage return so its the first character of a line, and its code to all sane email agents that anything below it is a signature and not to be copied into a reply. Windows email tends to clip it off and a windows user will never see it! So that is why many of us lament, in long strings of expletives, the brokenness of windows email agents. Subscribing to the mailing list is a 2 step process. First you click on the above link and fill out the form and "submit" it. That will, in a minute or so, cause an email to be sent to the address you used in the form. You MUST reply to that message to confirm the subscription. Whatever email agent you use from there is up to you, but I'd suggest Thunderbird. I personally am partial to kmail, but then I'm running linux on everything here, no M$ stuff allowed on the premises. Its not open for discussion and has not been in 28 years since I discovered the trs-80 color computer and an operating system for it called OS9. Sorry folks, my rant for the day because of that gateway. Cheers, Gene -- "There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty: soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order." -Ed Howdershelt (Author) My web page: <http://coyoteden.dyndns-free.com:85/gene> is up! Succumb to natural tendencies. Be hateful and boring. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list