On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 1:40 AM, Ramchandra Apte <maniandra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 16 August 2012 21:00, Mark Lawrence <breamore...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
>> and "bottom" reads better than "top"
> Look you are the only person complaining about top-posting.
> GMail uses top-posting by default.
> I can't help it if you feel irritated by it.

I post using gmail, and I just delete two blank lines at the top and
go down the bottom to type. But on the way down, I also trim quoted
text, so people don't have to download and read the entire thread for
every new post. It's not difficult, you should give it a try some

And FWIW, I add my voice to those who prefer to read replies
underneath the original text. Even if Mark were the only person vocal
enough to complain, you can still rest assured that there are many
more who agree. You've now heard from quite a few regular posters;
there are probably several *hundred* lurkers who feel the same way,
but do not post (possibly because they cannot). Also, these mails get
archived all over the internet, so a generation not yet born can read
and be either enlightened or irritated, as the case may be.


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