On 16 August 2012 21:00, Mark Lawrence <breamore...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

> and "bottom" reads better than "top"
> On 16/08/2012 15:37, Ramchandra Apte wrote:
>> nah.. "war" sounds better than "contest"
>> On 16 August 2012 14:59, Jean-Michel Pichavant <jeanmic...@sequans.com
>> >wrote:
>>  Lee Harr wrote:
>>>  pybotwar is a fun and educational game where players
>>>> write computer programs to control simulated robots.
>>>> http://pybotwar.googlecode.****com/ 
>>>> <http://pybotwar.googlecode.**com/<http://pybotwar.googlecode.com/>
>>>> >
>>>> The focus of this release is making all functionality
>>>> available from the PyQt interface and making PyQt
>>>> the default interface.
>>>> pybotwar uses pybox2d for the physical simulation.
>>>> It can be run in text-only mode -- useful for longer
>>>> tournaments -- or use pyqt or pygame for a graphical
>>>> interface and visualization of the action.
>>>> pybotwar is released under GPLv3.
>>>> Changes in pybotwar-0.8:
>>>>      - pybox2d-2.0.2b2 is now the required version
>>>>      API
>>>>      - Robot.turret() now takes turret speed instead of angle
>>>>      - PING sensor now differentiates own bullets from enemy bullets
>>>>      - PING differentiates dead robots when remove_dead_robots=False
>>>>      - made internal Robot state variables less likely to conflict with
>>>> user code
>>>>      Settings
>>>>      - added "robots dir" setting to make it easier to run pybotwar
>>>>          from an installed copy, rather than from the unpacked folder
>>>>          - logs, lineups, and db all go in robots dir
>>>>          - robot modules are now loaded by full path
>>>>      - If using Qt settings, remembers most recently used set of robots
>>>>      PyQt4 Interface
>>>>      - PyQt4 view mode is now the default
>>>>          - (text mode and pygame/pygsear still available)
>>>>      - all settings are available from PyQt interface
>>>>      - remembers most recently used set of robots
>>>>      - added debug window showing sensor values, commands, and logs
>>>>      - can now start tournaments (and multiple battles) from pyqt
>>>>      - can also start tournaments to run in background
>>>>      - editor automatically adds .py to robot filename if needed
>>>>      Other changes
>>>>      - made template.py a valid robot program
>>>>      - single battles are now run as 1-battle tournaments
>>>>      - renamed kill stat to outlasted
>>>>      - started tracking kills as dealing final damage to other robot
>>>>      - commandline can now take a list of robots to load
>>>>      - added "Super Tournaments"
>>>>          - runs tournaments with all possible combinations of robots
>>>>      Fixes:
>>>>      - made POSition sensor scale same as PING sensor
>>>>      - fixed editor backspace between left edge and start of text
>>>>      - fixed inability to re-open file once its window was closed
>>>>      - fixed crash when cancelling file-open dialog
>>>>      - limited motor speed on turret
>>>>      - log messages in testmode when using qt4 view
>>>>      - fall back to :memory: database if unable to open db file
>>>>  I have some suggestions:
>>> - rename pybotwar into pybotcontest
>>> - replace "bullet" by "missile of passion"
>>> - replace "dead" by "overflood with love"
>>> - "PING sensor" into "pheromone sensor"
>>> ... and so on :p
>>> JM
>>> --
>>> http://mail.python.org/****mailman/listinfo/python-list<http://mail.python.org/**mailman/listinfo/python-list>
>>> <h**ttp://mail.python.org/mailman/**listinfo/python-list<http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list>
>>> >
>> Look you are the only person complaining about top-posting.
GMail uses top-posting by default.
I can't help it if you feel irritated by it.

> --
> Cheers.
> Mark Lawrence.
> --
> http://mail.python.org/**mailman/listinfo/python-list<http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list>

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