On 26/06/12 21:51:41, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
> On Tue, 26 Jun 2012 10:19:45 -0700 (PDT), David Thomas
> <dthoma...@me.com> declaimed the following in gmane.comp.python.general:
>> http://www.freeimagehosting.net/ilbqt
>       That's an interesting configuration...
>       "pythonw.exe" is a version of the Python interpreter designed to NOT
> OPEN a console -- so you've got a configuration saying "open a console
> to run a no-console interpreter".

That's on Windows; on the Mac python and pythonw are identical.
In fact, they're hard links to the same file.

>       Normally pythonw.exe is used with scripts having .pyw extension;
> these are scripts that use tkinter, wxPython, or other GUI system to
> create a graphical environment and don't want a console (terminal)
> window cluttering the screen when they don't use text I/O.
>       Console based programs (.py) should be run using python.exe; adjust
> your settings.

That shouldn't matter on a Mac.

You may want to check "allow #! to override", though.

I mean, if there is a #! in a file pointing to a specific version of
python, then it's probably there for a reason.  For example, the script
might use a third party module installed only in that Python install.

>> http://www.freeimagehosting.net/r5ars
>       And this is to be expected... In Python 2.x, "input()" attempts to
> evaluate the input data, and you didn't supply anything -- hence EOF.
> For your usage, you want "raw_input()", which just grabs the next line
> of text and returns it as a string.

What he says.

>       As for how to run if you've opened a console (shell [bash]) window,
> the way to run a script is to type
>       python <path/name/to/your/script>.py <any command line arguments>

Hope this helps,

-- HansM


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