On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 10:19 AM, David Thomas <dthoma...@me.com> wrote:
> I have installed Python 2.7.3 from Python.org also in Terminal it states that 
> I have 2.7.3.
> How can I execute the script from Terminal?  I've tried typing python into 
> the window and then dragging the file to terminal but I get a syntax error.  
> Sorry I am new to Python and just want to know how I can open such a file 
> using 10.7.
> Thanks
> http://www.freeimagehosting.net/ilbqt
> http://www.freeimagehosting.net/r5ars

My guess would be that you're getting a SyntaxError when you run it
through the Launcher too. WIthout seeing the script, I don't know why
that would is.

I can tell you one thing you're doing wrong. Never, ever, use input()
in Python 2. If you do, all someone has to do is type in
__import__('os').remove(__file__) and stuff starts getting deleted.
"input" interprets what it reads in. Use raw_input() instead, which
always returns a string.

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