On Jun 10, 4:52 pm, Dietmar Schwertberger <n...@schwertberger.de>
> Am 10.06.2012 08:16, schrieb rusi:> This is worth a read in this 
> context:http://osteele.com/archives/2004/11/ides

> I've read the article. It presents some nice ideas, but probably the
> author has not used Python before.
> Otherwise he would have noticed that the overall productivity does not
> only depend on language and IDE/editor, but on the complete environment
> which in the case of Python includes the ability to use the interpreter
> interactively. For many tasks that's a major productivity boost.
> But that's a point that many people don't see because their current
> language like C# or Java does not have an interpreter and when they
> just look at the syntax, the find "there's not enough improvement to
> switch".

Full agreement here

> Also, I'm not sure whether the author counts the libraries as language
> or tool feature. In my opinion the environment and the libraries should
> be listed on their own in such an article. Libraries are developed
> after the language, but usually they are ahead of the other tools/IDEs.

That was my main point and the reason for referring to that article.
If I may rephrase your points in OSteele's terminology:

If python is really a "language maven's" language then it does not do
very well:
- its not as object-oriented as Ruby (or other arcana like Eiffel)
- its not as functional as Haskell
- its not as integrable as Lua
- its not as close-to-bare-metal as C
- etc

Then why is it up-there among our most popular languages? Because of
the 'batteries included.'
And not having a good gui-builder is a battery (cell?) that is

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