> I'm looking for an interface closer to 
> what my HP graphing calculator would use, i.e. something like this:
> plot(lambda x: sin(x*pi), # function or expression to plot,
>      start=0.0,
>      end=2.0,
>     )
> and have step size taken either from some default, or better still, 
> automatically calculated so one point is calculated per pixel.
> Is there a way to do this in iPython or matplotlib?
I don't think there is, but using range and list comprehension you can write a 
little utility function that does that:

Miki Tebeka <miki.teb...@gmail.com>

def simplot(fn, start, end):
    xs = range(start, end+1)
    plot(xs, [fn(x) for x in xs)])

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