Coyote wrote:
CM writes:

I don't know Spyder IDE, but I don't think this should happen; could
there just be a simple mistake?  Because you first refer to the .py
file as '' but then you refer to the file as
''...which is also the name of your function. Room for could you test this by saving only your one function
(below), give the .py a new name to avoid confusion (like
and then running *that* through Spyder IDE?

def pwd():
    import os
    print os.getcwd()

I probably explained the situation badly. I have a file with these two 
lines of code in it:

    import os
    print os.getcwd()

If I start a new Spyder IDL session and "run" this file by choosing RUN from 
the menu bar, the directory is printed twice. This appears to me now to be an IDE error, 
because if I use a runfile command, the directory is printed only once, as I expect.


I've been playing around with a couple of IDEs because I liked the one I used 
with IDL and I wanted to use something similar for Python. The IDLDE was an 
Eclipse variant, but I've tried installing Eclipse before for something else 
and I'm pretty sure I don't need *that* kind of headache on a Friday afternoon. 
Unless, of course, I need a good excuse to head over to the Rio for the 
margaritas. :-)


Could be that the IDE is first importing the file before executing it, that would be strange. Since you have print statements at the module level it is executed on import.

Anyway in order to avoid any issue, as everybody does, you better write :

import os

def getcwd():
   print os.getcwd()

if __name__ == '__main__': # true if this file is used as program entry point

That way you can either execute your script as a program, or use it as a module.


Note : there is a 'pwd' module (linux password db), thus it would be wise to avoid naming any file, or your statement 'import pwd' may yield unexpected results.

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