On Sat, 14 Apr 2012 11:25:57 -0700, vmars316 wrote:

> win7HomePremium:
> Greetings,
> 1)
> I installed portablePython(pP) here:
> C:\Users\vmars\Python3
>  ?Does that look ok?

Sure, why not?

> 2)
> I would like to try pyWin, but it won't let me install because there is
> no pP3.2 in registry.
>  ? How can I update the Registry for Python3.2 ?

I'm not a Windows expert, but isn't one of the points of Portal Python 
that it doesn't mess with the registry?

If you don't get an answer here after a couple of days, perhaps try 
asking again on a Portable Python or pyWin mailing list.

> 3) When ever I cllick on *.py file,
> it runs by so fast that I can't see what's going on.
>  ?Is there a way to keep the pyconsole open 'til i decide to close
> it?

Put this line at the very end of your script:

x = input("Press Enter to continue... ")

> 4)
> I can't seem to get turtleDemo running. ?Can anyone step me thru this?

What happens when you try?

P.S. in future it's probably best if you split unrelated questions into 
separate email threads.


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