On 4/14/2012 11:25 AM vmars316 said...
win7HomePremium: Greetings, 1) I installed portablePython(pP) here: C:\Users\vmars\Python3 ?Does that look ok? 2) I would like to try pyWin, but it won't let me install because there is no pP3.2 in registry. ? How can I update the Registry for Python3.2 ?
As a newbie interested in pywin do yourself a favor and start with one of the activestate installers from
http://www.activestate.com/activepython/downloads Emile
3) When ever I cllick on *.py file, it runs by so fast that I can't see what's going on. ?Is there a way to keep the pyconsole open 'til i decide to close it? 4) I can't seem to get turtleDemo running. ?Can anyone step me thru this? Thanks...Vernon
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