So here is a class that should do what you want.  I don't use pamie we
use a in house python ie driver.  But it has the same problem.  Here is
a class that should do what you want.

import winGuiAuto
import threading

class SaveAsDocDialog (threading.Thread):
....'''Some Internet Explorer dialog windows will halt all other
....IE functionality until they are populated.  This class is
....used to handle these dialog windows.
....This little class saves a document to the pc'''
....def __init__(self, docPath):
........'''The constructor method.'''
........self.windowName = "Save As"
........self.hwnd = None
........self.document = docPath

....def fetchWindow (self,attempts=20):
........'''Grab the handle of the dialog window'''
........tries = 0
........while tries<attempts:
........tries = tries + 1
............self.hwnd = winGuiAuto.findTopWindow(self.windowName)
............print 'Checking for window named "'+ self.windowName + '"',
............print 'Attempt #',tries
....def run (self):
........'''Overriding the "run" method for threading.'''
........oButtons = winGuiAuto.findControls(self.hwnd,"&Save","Button")
........fText = winGuiAuto.findControl(self.hwnd,None,"Edit")
........for oButton in oButtons:

saveAS = SaveAsDocDialog("c:\\test.txt")
#here you put the action that opens up the save as dlg
#have no clue what the pamie call would be.

Hope this was of help to you.


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