Theres one problem with the code that I saw off the bat. My PAMIE script takes IE all the way up the window thats called "File Download". It has 4 buttons Open, Save, Cancel, More Info. The code u gave to me is for the next window I reach AFTER I click manually on Save. It brings up the Save As window.
Anyways, I did the PAMIE part manually and the Save As window was open waiting for the SaveAsDocDialog to click Save. It never did, in fact all it did was freeze up python and crash it. So, im still at a stand still here. I know for sure my PAMIE part of the code works. It gets me to where I need to use winGuiAuto. winGuiAuto just sits there and does nothing for me. The window name "File Download" does NOT work for me. I have no idea where or how to find the className of the window. Again, thanx for all the help. Ill keep on trying it though --