On Jan 23, 11:57 pm, Rick Johnson <rantingrickjohn...@gmail.com>
> Here is a grep from the month of September 2011 showing the rampantly
> egregious misuse of the following words and phrases:

Actually my custom script had a small flaw which kept it from
capturing ALL the atrocities. Here is a run with the bugfixes:

  pretty: 54
  hard: 47
  right: 117
  used to: 37
  supposed to: 18

I'm thinking of posting monthly digests for all to see so that
HOPEFULLY you folks may give some thought to your words before pecking
them out. I must admit, I wept internally after seeing this latest

Found 54 unique occurances of "pretty" in a sentence:

| I'm "PRETTY" sure, you problem comes from this.
| That's "PRETTY" good, too.
| I wholeheartedly support the sentiment behind your
| statement, even if i quibble slightly - your statement has
| accuracy, it merely wants precision :) i'll watch your vid
| once i'm home from work - it promises to be some "PRETTY"
| cool stuff!
| I think the problem many people ignore when coming up with
| solutions like this is that while this behaviour is
| "PRETTY" much unique for turkish script, there is no
| guarantee that turkish substrings won't appear in other
| language strings (or vice versa).
| That's "PRETTY" great too, i guess.
| Seems "PRETTY" logical to me.
| My concern about the multiprocessing module technique is
| that launching a process for every regex evaluation sounds
| "PRETTY" inefficient.
| I'm "PRETTY" sure it is because of my c background
| (actually i learned python before c, and thus learned %
| formatting in python).
| Avoiding them is "PRETTY" easy here.
| Plus, indentation makes it "PRETTY".
| "PRETTY" easy to do though.
| For me, they're also "PRETTY" rare; many programs i write
| have no explicit continuations in them at all.
| Personally, i find that to be "PRETTY" bizarre -- but it
| worked.
| 2011 05:42 schrieb atherun: i'm "PRETTY" sure thats the
| problem, this is a generic catch all function for running
| subprocesses.
| I don't much care for php, but the thing that can be said
| for it is it's "PRETTY" quick.
| Com/photos/67254913 at n07/6123112552/in/photostream#/
| there are smarter ways to do this in matplotlib, but this
| is "PRETTY" quick and dirty.
| Basicconfig` "PRETTY" useless.
| Earlier, back in your initial post, you said: "i don't see
| any way to reduce these nested loops logically, they
| describe "PRETTY" well what the software has to do.
| Comhey, this "PRETTY" easy hack appears to work!
| Value yeah, that's "PRETTY" much what i had in mind.
| Do_b() # continue sounds a "PRETTY" natural way to allow
| free line breaking.
| If we start discussing the content of the ideas being
| attacked, yeah, i'd say religion is "PRETTY" off-topic.
| "PRETTY" much.
| But it's "PRETTY" easy to fool a lot of people.
| Granted, after the fact, they were "PRETTY" obvious, but
| it would be nice if "help(resource.
| The product works "PRETTY" much like excel and calc in
| this manner.
| It's "PRETTY" much the dictum of coding style and referred
| to alot by many pythoneers.
| Although come to think of it, i bet he could deliver a
| "PRETTY" mean sermon.
| "PRETTY" easy to write programs that run acrossoperating?
| Not saying one is necessarily better than the other, but
| just subscribing to the feed for the [python] tag on so
| has a "PRETTY" good snr.
| Com/photos/67254913 at n07/6123112552/in/photostream#/
| there are fancier ways to do this in matplotlib, but this
| is "PRETTY" quick and dirty--i'm just plotting lines over-
| top other lines.
| Com/recipes/577334-how-to-debug-deadlocked-multi-threaded-
| programs/ there is some bugs in the code given but its
| "PRETTY" straight forward to fix it.
| Sorry for that it's "PRETTY" unimportant question
| according to the other questions being asked here :d def
| trial(): class foo(object): def __init__(self):
| print("hello, world!
| __getitem__, bytes)) 4800000 "PRETTY" fast as well.
| Comwrote: i don't much care for php, but the thing that
| can be said for it is it's "PRETTY" quick.
| I would expect that static variables would work "PRETTY"
| much the same way as default arguments, with a list of
| names on the code object and a list of values on the
| function object.
| ), so maybe the proposal has a little weight there, but
| since you can just avoid that by using parens, that's
| "PRETTY" much nullified.
| Comwrote: not saying one is necessarily better than the
| other, but just subscribing to the feed for the [python]
| tag on so has a "PRETTY" good snr.
| __subclasses__()) return subcls(*args, **kwds) to me, this
| reads "PRETTY" cleanly and makes it obvious that something
| unusual is going on: obj = mybaseclass.
| Comabout the only keyword i can think of this being even
| slightly useful for would be class and even then i think
| that clazz is a "PRETTY" acceptable substitute.
| 0 might be a "PRETTY" be rewrite.
| Com/ignore-files/ ] * otherwise, the code looks "PRETTY"
| good for a beginner.
| Com i'm "PRETTY" sure thats the problem, this is a generic
| catch all function for running subprocesses.
| Seeing the quotes again, i'm "PRETTY" sure i was intending
| to be flippant _in reference to rantrantrantrick's
| comment_.
| Stop() gives a "PRETTY" damn good explanation as to why
| thread.
| Not that cancellation is really worth bothering with
| anyway, but it's a "PRETTY" nasty corner case.
| Id) [/script] it's a "PRETTY" common gotcha for people
| coming from other languages.
| Ar this is a "PRETTY" optimistic algorithm, at least by
| the statistics from 2008 (see below).
| I don't see any way to reduce these nested loops
| logically, they describe "PRETTY" well what the software
| has to do.
| Comwrote: i would expect that static variables would work
| "PRETTY" much the same way as default arguments could you
| just abuse default arguments to accomplish this?
| "PRETTY" much every program i write seems to have a
| continued list of data or a multi-line dictionary display
| as data.
| Bottle is "PRETTY" minimal (iirc it doesn't even come with
| any templating).
| "PRETTY" immaterial, but the formal style prefers
| correctness.
| "PRETTY" much all of the magic happens behind cryptic sas
| calls like this.
Found 47 unique occurances of "hard" in a sentence:

| My investigations have generally found that
| windows/forms/data entry screen can be created for a
| specific table or view, but these are "HARD"-wired during
| development.
| Would it have been so "HARD" to show a couple of examples?
| Startswith(token): print "%s:" % item[len(token):], print
| "%s "HARD"/%s soft" % r.
| Some general guidelines may be provided, but there is no
| need for other "HARD" rules on breaking lines, except that
| an identifier should never be split apart.
| If you're dividing a project into multiple files already,
| is it that "HARD" to have one more that defines the
| relationships between the others?
| I find it "HARD" to understand how anyone can read this
| text: this is implemented by calling the standard c
| function system(), and has the same limitations and not
| imagine it to be dependent on the specification for
| system().
| Org/dev/peps/pep-0257/ ): this is "HARD" to read due to
| the indentation, and cannot be accessed programmatically:
| #update the gui def update_gui(self, new_word): instead,
| use this: def update_gui(self, new_word): "update the gui.
| It is not "HARD" to do.
| Re "HARD" at work to bring you the best conference yet, so
| stay tuned to pycon news at http://pycon.
| Orgon 9/5/2011 4:38 pm, jon redgrave wrote: it seems
| unreasonably "HARD" to write simple one-line unix command
| line filters in python: eg: ls | python -c
| "<somethingprint x.
| Comjon redgrave wrote: it seems unreasonably "HARD" to
| write simple one-line unix command line filters in python:
| eg: ls | python -c "<somethingprint x.
| 1k (and only in "HARD" copy) - this was a good 5/6 years
| ago though.
| 2 on win 7) quite successfully, it is "HARD" to know what
| the problem is with your setup.
| I've tried very "HARD" to get this to work, but as i've
| been unsuccessful i would really appreciate some comments
| on this.
| Deon 05/09/11 22:38, jon redgrave wrote: it seems
| unreasonably "HARD" to write simple one-line unix command
| line filters in python: eg: ls | python -c
| "<somethingprint x.
| Assuming that the "broken shared data" exists only in ram
| on one single machine, and has no impact on the state of
| anything on the "HARD" disk or on any other computer, yes.
| See my response on this thread or my new thread idioms
| combining 'next(items)' and 'for item in items:' i
| reckoned the approach with the flag the most beginner-
| friendly because you don't have to think too "HARD" about
| the corner-cases, namely book_title("") '' when i use the
| "process first item before the loop" approach i usually
| end up with a helper generator def _words(words,
| small_words={w.
| It probably shows that i haven't done a lot of thread-
| related programming, so perhaps this is not a "HARD"
| question.
| It'd not be "HARD" to design a template that covers comp.
| (did anyone ever mention that timezones are "HARD" ;-) )
| it feels more intuitive now, but it is backwards
| incompatible in the case where the `tzinfo` parameter to
| the `test_datetime` constructor was used.
| Threads are a lot more lightweight and start up a lot
| faster, but doing multithreaded programming right with any
| sort of shared objects is really, really, really "HARD" to
| get right.
| (but note that not all file systems support "HARD"
| linking.
| But as you can see, they quickly become "HARD" to read:
| [j+2 for i in [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]] for j in (lambda
| x: [q+10 for q in x])(i)] their main advantage isn't in
| list comps, where you can already use arbitrary
| expressions, but in calls that require a function as an
| argument.
| (4) guess the admin password -- it's not "HARD", most
| fascist system administrators can't remember words with
| more than four letters, so the password is probably
| something like "passw" or, if he's being especially
| cunning, "drows".
| Comwhen it comes to the air force 1 {1}{/1}a lot of you
| might imagine that it would be quite "HARD" to continue
| improving and innovating on the design of it, but leave it
| to nike to surprise you at just about every turn.
| Plz let me know the corrections to be done in this script
| to making tunneling successful (i hv "HARD"-coded the jump
| server ip address 10.
| Py <--------+ this is not a copy, it is a "HARD" link: the
| same file appears in literally two places.
| From pylab import * x = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] y = [2 for num
| in x] #plot the parallel lines themselves in green for num
| in range(6): y = [num for item in x]
| plot(x,y,color='g',lw='4') #plot any conflict sections in
| red or yellow #some "HARD" data to give the idea: x2 =
| [3,4] y2 = [2 for num in x2] x3 = [5,6,7] y3 = [4 for num
| in x3] x4 = [2,3] y4 = [3 for num in x4] #plot these three
| colored parts over the green lines
| plot(x2,y2,color='r',lw='12')
| plot(x3,y3,color='yellow',lw='12')
| plot(x4,y4,color='r',lw='12') pos = arange(6) yticks(pos,
| ('net1', 'net2', 'net3', 'net4', 'net5', 'net6')) show()
| #------------------------- che from mdickinson at
| enthought.
| But that makes it "HARD" for those of us who want to use a
| built-in option-parsing library across a wide variety of
| python versions.
| Comwrote: my investigations have generally found that
| windows/forms/data entry screen can be created for a
| specific table or view, but these are "HARD"-wired during
| development.
| Cnwrote: when it comes to the air force 1 {1}{/1}a lot of
| you might imagine that it would be quite "HARD" to
| continue improving and innovating on the design of it, but
| leave it to nike to surprise you at just about every turn.
| Orgjon redgrave wrote: it seems unreasonably "HARD" to
| write simple one-line unix command line filters in python:
| eg: ls | python -c "<somethingprint x.
| Another hack would be to add a "HARD" link to the top
| level: as you said: "HARD" links would be a little
| annoying on some file systems.
| :) in this case it doesn't matter, but it's not "HARD" to
| find problems where the difference between the memory
| requirements for a generator and a map/list-comprehension
| are significant enough to worry about.
| Given how "HARD" it is to find an appropriate sitemap
| generator written in python, i'd say there is a strong
| likelihood that one that meets your needs and is publicly
| available under an appropriate licence is vanishingly
| small.
| Comit seems unreasonably "HARD" to write simple one-line
| unix command line filters in python: eg: ls | python -c
| "<somethingprint x.
| Access to a database still needs to be "HARD"-wired, so it
| does not act as a 'dynamic' viewer.
| (it is a little "HARD" to google for this given the map()
| function).
| Comwrites: it seems unreasonably "HARD" to write simple
| one-line unix command line filters in python: eg: ls |
| python -c "<somethingprint x.
| Another hack would be to add a "HARD" link to the top
| level: modules/ +-- spam.
| This will make it "HARD" for labview to send it messages,
| since it won't know what port to use.
| Com/cs/ it's "HARD" to believe that something as rational
| as the metric system was invented by the french.
| It's not that "HARD" to hold a socket connection open!
| The "HARD" ones to ignore are the ones that look like they
| might be legitimate, but fortunately most spammers are too
| lazy or stupid to bother with even the most feeble
| disguise.
| Comwrote: rick & xang li are two examples of what you
| *don't* see (or at least i don't) @ so then you haven't
| been looking "HARD" enough ;-) -- rhodri james *-*
| wildebeest herder to the masses from steve+comp.
| In other words, linux will try really, really, really
| "HARD" to give you the 84 gigabytes you've asked for on a
| 2 gb system, even if it means dosing your system for a
| month.
| If the indentation is defined as a single symbol, then it
| would only require a one-step look-ahead, and that should
| not be "HARD".
Found 117 unique occurances of "right" in a sentence:

| Poll() not in [0,1]: waiting = true so my real question
| is: am i on the "RIGHT" track here, and am i correct in my
| guess that the kernel is reporting different status codes
| to subprocess.
| _test() -- terry jan reedy thank you terry, i went for
| this solution as it was the easiest for me to understand
| and comment myself keeping in mind what level i am at
| "RIGHT" now.
| ) "RIGHT" tool for the job!
| , all the stuff for making introspection work "RIGHT", i.
| 8px;margin-"RIGHT":0;text-indent:0;"abstract</h1?
| In order to help it decide whether it should recurse down
| into a sequence to find its elements or decide that the
| sequence *is* an element in its own "RIGHT", we settled on
| the convention that tuples are to be considered elements
| and that lists are sequences of elements.
| _continue() # this is difficult # if we _continue here, we
| need to do a continue "RIGHT" after the with loop2a: if
| loop1.
| "you are "RIGHT"" and i am "RIGHT", and you are "RIGHT",
| and all is "RIGHT" as "RIGHT" can be!
| Not rude: rude: you're "RIGHT".
| This time, on the upper "RIGHT" corner of the rejection
| page, i saw the following message: "your registration
| violated our anti-spam filter.
| Do down in the "RIGHT" hand side-bar, there should be a
| menu 'essential links' and one of the options is 'download
| code' or something along those lines.
| Which is easy to do, "RIGHT"?
| Yes it's true, you were "RIGHT", i was setting the
| croatian language at the wrong place (i am not a windows
| fan neither, i normally work on linux).
| "you are "RIGHT"," he said after carefully hearing the
| other side.
| Now when i scroll the window grows and shrinks depending
| on their size, i want to "RIGHT" from the start make it
| high enough to contain even the biggest that will have to
| be shown.
| Py i've found, that the temporary module created inside
| the run_path() calls, is destroyed "RIGHT" after the
| script.
| All "RIGHT".
| As far as i can see, all of the code is "RIGHT" but i'm
| just a beginner so i am not for sure.
| Break and continue (without label) are imo (please no
| flame war about that) worse than goto, at least the goto
| tells you where it goes, with break/ continue you always
| have to scan the surroundings to find the "RIGHT" loop.
| I read "RIGHT" past that and didn't see it.
| 36 is out: openopt: now solver interalg can handle all
| types of constraints and integration problems some minor
| improvements and code cleanup funcdesigner: interval
| analysis now can involve min, max and 1-d monotone splines
| r -r of 1st and 3rd order some bugfixes and improvements
| spacefuncs: some minor changes derapproximator: some
| improvements for obtaining derivatives in points from r^n
| where left or "RIGHT" derivative for a variable is absent,
| especially for stencil 1 see http://openopt.
| Orgon 9/11/2011 7:46 am, tigerstyle wrote: thank you
| terry, i went for this solution as it was the easiest for
| me to understand and comment myself keeping in mind what
| level i am at "RIGHT" now.
| "RIGHT" now, you've merely defined a class in the local
| scope of a function, which is perfectly valid, although
| you don't take advantage of this, so there's no particular
| reason to put the class definition inside trial().
| Config docs, so am i "RIGHT" to assume {-style formatting
| is not implemented in logging.
| 8px;margin-"RIGHT":0;text-indent:0;"abstract</h1<p
| class="standard" style="margin-left:76.
| The advantage of lambdas is that, in a list comprehension
| or map call, the code is "RIGHT" there instead of being
| elsewhere in a def statement.
| Threads have separate execution stacks but share
| interpreter global state, "RIGHT"?
| You can just use normal python method calls, with almost
| every possible parameter and return value type, and pyro
| takes care of locating the "RIGHT" object on the "RIGHT"
| computer to execute the method.
| Orange)        # vertical line ("RIGHT" window)
| polygon([a, b, c], filled=true, color=color.
| Threads are a lot more lightweight and start up a lot
| faster, but doing multithreaded programming "RIGHT" with
| any sort of shared objects is really, really, really hard
| to get "RIGHT".
| X=iter([1,2,3,4,5]) for i in x: print("%d -
| %d"%(i,next(x))) 1 - 2 3 - 4 traceback (most recent call
| last): file "<pyshell#281", line 2, in<moduleprint("%d -
| %d"%(i,next(x))) stopiteration whereas, you are "RIGHT",
| it breaks it noisily in the body.
| If you want to interpret it as meaning that cats are
| yamlafiables, go "RIGHT" ahead.
| Log(out) i haven't tested that, but i think (from reading
| the docs) that's the "RIGHT" idea.
| Check out the art we're digging "RIGHT" now and what's on
| our gotta-hang-it list.
| It is like the fortran example (just to show the syntax,
| has an infinite loop), everyone can understand that
| "RIGHT" away, even non fortran people: 10 loop1: do i=1,3
| loop2: do j=1,4 print *,i,j goto 10 !
| Yes, you are "RIGHT".
| Now, if the left-hand operand *does* know how (or thinks
| it does, which could be another matter entirely), and the
| "RIGHT"-hand operand is *not* a subclass of the left-hand
| operand, then you are correct -- the "RIGHT"-hand operand
| wil not be called.
| We create the next distribution by moving # one ball to
| the "RIGHT", unless this is impossible.
| I play a lot of flash games, and "RIGHT" now i'm playing
| one that has coped poorly with a miniature slashdotting.
| I think you may be "RIGHT", ian.
| Git is not the "RIGHT" forma t; it must have #egg=package
| on wed, sep 14, 2011 at 10:54 pm, one murithi <o0murithi
| at gmail.
| I have yet to see any problem, however complicated, which,
| | `\      when you looked at it in the "RIGHT" way, did
| not become still | _o__)
| more complicated.
| I am in search for a set of libraries, which allows me to:
| - verify the server certificate (ideally via a custom call
| back, which can inspect the certificate data and then
| decide whether the certificate shall be accepted or not) -
| send a client certificate - use https with a cookie jar
| (ideally even persistent, but session cookies are enough)
| - do xmlrpc calls (but send cookies in the headers) would
| m2crypto be the "RIGHT" choice?
| That doesn't sound "RIGHT".
| Otherwise you could do entirely without gotos (like in
| ruby with the redo, which is of course much much better)
| to take the most obvious, simple example: any time you
| have a loop that you might want to redo, the "RIGHT"
| solution is to put the loop inside a function, and then
| "redo the loop" becomes "call the function again".
| It only is written at the left of the dot rather than at
| the "RIGHT" of the parenthesis.
| Eduwrote: whereas, you are "RIGHT", it breaks it noisily
| in the body.
| Uswrote: [snip] also, if the "RIGHT"-hand operand is a
| subclass of the left-hand operand then python will try
| "RIGHT"-hand_operand.
| You're "RIGHT" though, os.
| 8px;margin-"RIGHT":0;text-indent:0;"[more stuff here]
| """)) hi, i'm not sure what you are trying to say with the
| above code, but if it's the code that fails for you with
| the exception you posted, i would guess that the problem
| is in the "[more stuff here]" part, which likely contains
| a non-ascii character.
| I have to explicitly call the _init_ method which, i think
| is not the "RIGHT" way of doing things.
| You are "RIGHT", non-iterators should not raise or pass on
| stopiteration.
| D1 object at 0xb7c2cb0c)' after playing around with
| various combinations of c1, c2, d1 and d2, it seems to me
| that the rule is: if the "RIGHT"-hand argument is a
| subclass of the left-hand argument, and also defines
| __radd__ directly rather than inheriting it, then its
| __radd__ method is called before the left-hand argument's
| __add__ method.
| Having the "RIGHT" vocabulary helps.
| Restart if substepsworked: return ok i don't know if i
| have the levels "RIGHT", but that should be a way which
| works, without too many indentations.
| Cc/ due to high sex cantest,i have hidden more details,
| click on "RIGHT" side of my website do not tell another
| person.
| __getattribute__(name) "RIGHT" thanks a lot it works
| perfectly.
| If you require a 1:1 correspondence between your code and
| your pseudo-code specification, then maybe python isn't
| the "RIGHT" language for this task.
| But do realise that it is _you_ who is interpreting it as
| such, and then recall the provision your very own christ
| stated about judging the actions of others: within your
| own belief system _it's not your "RIGHT" to do so_.
| -- regards, kushal you're "RIGHT".
| That's not to say that one is "RIGHT" and the other is
| wrong.
| "RIGHT".
| You are "RIGHT".
| The map() function is very similar to a generator
| expression, but it can iterate over multiple iterables at
| once: list(map(lambda x,y: x+y,[1,2,3],[40,50,60])) [41,
| 52, 63] note how the lambda keeps the code "RIGHT" there,
| whereas a def would separate it out.
| We both may be "RIGHT", i may be wrong (my watch may have
| stopped) or we both etc ie conflicting data may get
| resolved within a larger world view (which is what
| devplayer is probably saying).
| Update to rule: if the "RIGHT"-hand argument is a subclass
| of the left-hand argument and a __radd__ is defined
| anywhere between the left-hand argument's class up to and
| including the "RIGHT"-hand argument's class, then __radd__
| is called, otherwise the left-hand arguments __add__ is
| called.
| Infowrote: if the "RIGHT"-hand argument is a subclass of
| the left-hand argument, and also defines __radd__ directly
| rather than inheriting it, then its __radd__ method is
| called before the left-hand argument's __add__ method.
| Incidentally - this isn't really about commutativity at
| all - the question is how can you define both left and
| "RIGHT" versions of add, irrespective of whether they
| yield the same result.
| Or more generally, some things don't feel "RIGHT".
| If you really fear rogue, or malicious, scripts, perhaps
| python is not the "RIGHT" language for this task.
| My reason for wanting to do it 'in the same script' was
| that i also have another library that intercepts calls to
| matplotlib's show(), so i could ultimately create a pdf
| containing the script with figures interjected at the
| "RIGHT" place.
| Also, if the "RIGHT"-hand operand is a subclass of the
| left-hand operand then python will try
| "RIGHT"-hand_operand.
| Are you testing the "RIGHT" code?
| 8px;margin-"RIGHT":0;text-indent:0;"[more stuff here]
| """)) on mon, sep 12, 2011 at 6:17 pm, gary herron
| <gherron at islandtraining.
| You always call break and continue with a label, searching
| for that label will tell you "RIGHT" away which loop the
| break breaks.
| T "RIGHT" outer join public.
| After profound thought said the mulla: "you are "RIGHT""
| from rosuav at gmail.
| If wave isn't "RIGHT", search on sourceforge for a while.
| To take the most obvious, simple example: any time you
| have a loop that you might want to redo, the "RIGHT"
| solution is to put the loop inside a function, and then
| "redo the loop" becomes "call the function again".
| Devin is "RIGHT", though, in that a better word for it
| would be "dense".
| I noticed a similar case in current python language as
| well: ================================== #begin code 1 if
| condition: for i in range(5): triangulate(i) else: #double
| dedentations for body in space: triangulate(body) #double
| dedentations again log('triangulation done') #end code 1
| ================================== if lines can be
| continued by indentation, similar situation would rise:
| ================================== #begin code 2 if
| condition: result = [sin(i) for i in range(5)] + [cos(i)
| for i in range(5)] else: result = [cos(i) for i in
| range(5)] + [sin(i) for i in range(5)] log('triangulation
| done') #end code 2 ==================================
| generating text example: "RIGHT", this is a case that
| can't be handled by standard indentation, unless we only
| consider full dedentation (dedentation to the exact level
| of the initial indentation) as the signal of ending the
| line.
| Well, all "RIGHT".
| "but both cannot be "RIGHT"!
| If i neither disable buffering nor manually flush after
| each print, the program just hangs instead of printing
| "RIGHT" away.
| We will immerse you in the world of python in only a few
| days, showing you more than just its syntax (which you
| don't really need a book to learn, "RIGHT"?
| Org/mailman/listinfo/python-list yeah, it's more probable
| that language conventions and functions grow around
| characters that look "RIGHT".
| Am i looking in the "RIGHT" place or did they just not get
| installed?
| -- pish-tush, a japanese nobleman in service of /the
| mikado/ never has being "RIGHT", proper and correct been
| so thoroughly celebrated.
| Input is 0, so if that doesn't do what you want, i don't
| think fileinput is the "RIGHT" solution.
| I just resolved it and yes you are "RIGHT" there was a
| (hidden) new-line to it.
| You are absolutely "RIGHT", actually i was daemonising the
| same thread.
| That doesn't make it "RIGHT".
| Double(c) typeerror: double() takes exactly 1 argument (2
| given) "RIGHT", because c.
| Py of the django application exports some all rpc
| functions which will basically import 95% of the django
| application and the entire django frame work (none of
| which were required by my command tool, support utility
| for this application) i could of course create a separate
| package just for this tiny sub module, but somehow it
| doesn't feel "RIGHT" to me.
| "you are "RIGHT"," said nasrudin after carefully hearing
| one side.
| Waiting = true so my real question is: am i on the "RIGHT"
| track here, and am i correct in my guess that the kernel
| is reporting different status codes to subprocess.
| If | i neither disable buffering nor manually flush after
| each print, the | program just hangs instead of printing
| "RIGHT" away.
| You are absolutely "RIGHT".
| Infowrote: after playing around with various combinations
| of c1, c2, d1 and d2, it seems to me that the rule is: if
| the "RIGHT"-hand argument is a subclass of the left-hand
| argument, and also defines __radd__ directly rather than
| inheriting it, then its __radd__ method is called before
| the left-hand argument's __add__ method.
| Yellow)        # the "RIGHT" window line((x + 60, y + 71),
| (x + 80, y + 71), color=color.
| Prec = max_digits+decimal_places but i'm not certain that
| is "RIGHT".
| Comwrote: "you are "RIGHT"," said nasrudin after carefully
| hearing one side.
| Communicate() log(out) i haven't tested that, but i think
| (from reading the docs) that's the "RIGHT" idea.
| If you have an application where the quality of randomness
| is unimportant and generating random ints is a genuine
| performance bottleneck, then go "RIGHT" ahead.
| Moving pots out into a separate package doesn't really
| feel "RIGHT".
| Ussteven d'aprano wrote: after playing around with various
| combinations of c1, c2, d1 and d2, it seems to me that the
| rule is: if the "RIGHT"-hand argument is a subclass of the
| left-hand argument, and also defines __radd__ directly
| rather than inheriting it, then its __radd__ method is
| called before the left-hand argument's __add__ method.
| Personally, i consider two nested loops "RIGHT" on the
| boundary of my "magic number seven, plus or minus two"
| short term memory[1].
| Only true if the left-hand operand is so ill-behaved it
| doesn't check to see if it makes sense to add itself to
| the "RIGHT"-hand operand.
| There is no issue when i load it "RIGHT" from the folder
| where the python executable and libpython2.
| Getting the code "RIGHT" is going to be a lot more
| complicated than just adding a couple of try/excepts.
| Is the "RIGHT" interpretation of this timing difference
| that the comprehension is performed in the lower level c
| code?
| Org you're mostly "RIGHT".
| But, you're "RIGHT" that on most modern, non-embedded,
| linux systems threads don't show up in top or ps.
| Of course they are, and they are "RIGHT" to do so.
| (oh, "RIGHT", i believe i just described java.
| Ipa" "RIGHT", because period is a regex metacharacter.
| Orange)        # horizontal line ("RIGHT" window) line((x
| + 69, y + 60), (x + 69, y + 80), color=color.
Found 37 unique occurances of "used to" in a sentence:

| I'm not sure of its current licensing status but i believe
| it "USED TO" be free if used on open source projects.
| "USED TO" use it back when ibm reckoned that java would be
| the big thing that sells os/2.
| Wing ide can be "USED TO" develop python code for web,
| gui, and embedded scripting applications.
| Shutil is a utility module "USED TO" accomplish tasks
| which one often does when in the shell, such as copying,
| moving, or removing directory trees.
| Uki'm not really very "USED TO" the decimal module so i'm
| asking here if any one can help me with a problem in a
| well known third party web framework the code in question
| is def format_number(value, max_digits, decimal_places):
| """ formats a number into a string with the requisite
| number of digits and decimal places.
| Comwrote: calling the bible a joke is "USED TO" hurt
| people, not enlighten them.
| :-) ) you can't tell just from the syntax "USED TO" call
| them: function(arg) bound_method(arg)
| builtin_function_or_method(arg) callable_instance(arg)
| type(arg) all use the same syntax.
| I "USED TO" run an automated site validator, and i wrote a
| couple of articles you might find interesting.
| Comwrote: i'm not really very "USED TO" the decimal module
| so i'm asking here if any one can help me with a problem
| in a well known third party web framework the code in
| question is def format_number(value, max_digits,
| decimal_places): ?
| Sheets are "USED TO" remind the importance of the
| defensive players wore light clothing fencers irony.
| Comwrote: i "USED TO" ask the same question, but then i
| decided that if i wanted each data point to get its own
| tick, i should bite the bullet and write an individual
| test for each.
| Since thread stacks disappear at end of thread, only
| dynamically allocated memory can be "USED TO" store the
| result.
| On text file objects, read(nb) reads nb characters,
| regardless of the number of bytes "USED TO" encode them,
| and tell() returns a position in the text stream just
| after the next (unicode) character read as for sringio, a
| wrapper around file objects simulates a correct behaviour
| for relative seeks : ==================== txt = "abcdef"
| txt += "?
| I "USED TO" ask the same question, but then i decided that
| if i wanted each data point to get its own tick, i should
| bite the bullet and write an individual test for each.
| ] calling the bible a joke is "USED TO" hurt people, not
| enlighten them.
| Comwrites: calling the bible a joke is "USED TO" hurt
| people, not enlighten them.
| Perhaps a little more depressingly, this also maybe be
| "USED TO" highlight potential cases of poor productivity
| to be investigated.
| It "USED TO" have.
| Def b(label="", *args): """"USED TO" create breaks for
| debugging.
| Comi "USED TO" ask the same question, but then i decided
| that if i wanted each data point to get its own tick, i
| should bite the bullet and write an individual test for
| each.
| """"USED TO" create breaks for debugging.
| It takes a while to understand this aspect because the
| natural human response is to be lazy (for instance i could
| have used ""USED TO"" in the previous sentence if i was
| slothful).
| Py checkout usage:  checkout url checkout: error: too few
| arguments plac can also be "USED TO" write command
| interpreters.
| Html i'm not "USED TO" big ide/rad for python.
| __init__() "USED TO" accept and silently ignore any
| parameters.
| Infowrites: i "USED TO" ask the same question, but then i
| decided that if i wanted each data point to get its own
| tick, i should bite the bullet and write an individual
| test for each.
| Or at least it "USED TO" work.
| For the sake of completeness here's the script i "USED TO"
| produce the example above: $ cat pyfilter.
| That name is "USED TO" read a file with meta-data.
| I want a program that can be "USED TO" open any database
| and 'data mine' and extract table content.
| Also, it can be "USED TO" demonstrate a working program.
| Activepython also includes a binary package manager for
| python (pypm) that can be "USED TO" install packages much
| easily.
| Calling the bible a joke is "USED TO" hurt people, not
| enlighten them.
| If your colleague is "USED TO" program inside word macros,
| i guess the answer ;) if he is "USED TO" program in c, i'm
| less sure.
| Since this sounds like homework, i won't post the one-
| liner i "USED TO" do it the brute-force way, but i will
| note that it takes about 200 microseconds to run on my
| laptop.
| I've noticed that people tend to be a lot harsher here
| than what i'm "USED TO", so perhaps your attitude to it is
| more common on mailing-lists and i should just adapt.
| Perhaps there's some per-process thing that can be "USED
| TO" limit things on linux?
Found 18 unique occurances of "supposed to" in a sentence:

| Feldman wrote: it is "SUPPOSED TO" be possible to generate
| a list representation of any iterator that produces a
| sequence of finite length, but this doesn't always work.
| Fokke is the path "SUPPOSED TO" be absolute?
| I'd like to know what "string replacement" is "SUPPOSED
| TO" mean in the context of python.
| Isdir(path_name) nameerror: name 'path_name' is not
| defined -------------------------------------------
| "path_name" is a placeholder -- you're "SUPPOSED TO" put
| in the exact string(s) you have been trying in the
| configuration file (wrap the string in quotes).
| The python code is "SUPPOSED TO" call a few functions i
| exported.
| Ulimit -v is "SUPPOSED TO" set the maximum amount of
| virtual memory the process can use.
| Comit is "SUPPOSED TO" be possible to generate a list
| representation of any iterator that produces a sequence of
| finite length, but this doesn't always work.
| Could you tell me if that is what is "SUPPOSED TO" happen
| or is something wrong with my code?
| I'm not sure if this is how you're "SUPPOSED TO" do it,
| but it works.
| Infowrote: the intrinsic coding of the characters is one
| thing, the usage of bytes stream "SUPPOSED TO" represent a
| text is one another thing, jmf from sillyousu at gmail.
| 7 is "SUPPOSED TO" be the last 2.
| Before asking whether it is a bug, perhaps you should
| consider what (if anything) that regex is "SUPPOSED TO"
| actually do.
| Rename (ie, "on windows, if dst already exists, oserror
| will be raised") hmm, i thought, maybe i'm "SUPPOSED TO"
| use shutil here.
| Py, my code won't work, saying that the thing that is
| "SUPPOSED TO" be in path, isn't.
| Threads are never "SUPPOSED TO" be separate processes
| (they aren't at the c-level, so i don't know what java is
| doing here).
| Vi it is "SUPPOSED TO" send a string back to python, but
| sometimes it ends with an error saying the port and the ip
| is already in usage.
| Eduwrote: i'd like to know what "string replacement" is
| "SUPPOSED TO" mean in the context of python.
| Fout = open(outfile,"w+") what is the "+" "SUPPOSED TO"
| do?

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