On 24/01/2012 20:03, Joshua Landau wrote:
On 24 January 2012 17:25, Blockheads Oi Oi <breamore...@yahoo.co.uk
<mailto:breamore...@yahoo.co.uk>> wrote:

    On 24/01/2012 15:46, Andrea Crotti wrote:

        I suggest to create English 2.0, and convince the whole world to
        your own
        way better implementation of English.

    Too late for that when comparing modern English with that of e.g.
    Dickens, Shakespeare, Chaucer and Bede, hence at a minimum I reckon
    we should be at 6.0.

A simple version number doesn't imply huge breakages. Try "English2 v1.0"!

In fact, why would a perfect language need a version number?

It would be difficult to maintain Python without a version number.


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