"Paul Rubin" <"http://phr.cx"@NOSPAM.invalid> wrote in message 
> Andrew Dalke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> If that's indeed the case then I'll also argue that each of
>> them is going to have app-specific choke points which are best
>> hand-optimized and not framework optimized.  Is there enough
>> real-world experience to design a EnterpriseWeb-o-Rama (your
>> "printing press") which can handle those examples you gave
>> any better than starting off with a LAMP system and hand-caching
>> the parts that need it?
> Yes, of course there is.  Look at the mainframe transaction systems of
> the 60's-70's-80's, for example.  Look at Google.
Based on what I've read, if we could look at Google, we would see 150,000 
to 200,000 servers (about half bought with IPO money).  We would see a 
highly customized dynamic cluster computing infrastructure that can be 
utilized with high-level (Python-like) commands.  The need to throw 
hundreds of machines at each web request strikes me as rather specialized, 
though definitely not limited to search.  So while not LAMP, I don't see it 
as generic EWeboRama either.

Terry J. Reedy


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