In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Kay Schluehr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >Sorry, Cameron, if I twist meanings. > >Thomas argues that Python programmers are more expensive than Java >ones. But if one needs more Java programmers to fit into the project >plan one needs probably more managenment/admistration staff ( ~ ratio = >1/3) >and managers are usually more expensive than programmers. > >I concede that this is hard to measure but for a similar issue one >should remember that the OPs project did not incorporate the role of a >"software architect" up to now - it did not have to be reified. > >Kay >
No apologies, please. You're making perfect sense, and I have no argument with what you write here. The density of pronouns earlier in the thread passed my threshold, and I simply overflowed. Thanks for the clarification. --