On 12/11/2011 6:53 PM, Eelco Hoogendoorn wrote:
There are other means of finding information than Google. Really.
This is really only a very minor point in my argument, so I dont want to
put the focus on this.
On the contrary, it is a major point. You want us to change the language
so you can program by Google. Sorry, aint't gonna happen.
Googling 'myprogramminglanguage conceptimtryingtofigureout' is my first,
second and third line of defence. Yes, I could read the reference manual
from top to bottom, and if I already knew about the existence of your
article then im sure that would be a great help too.
You left out skimming the table of contents and using the index. On the
Windows version of the docs, one can just type the entry wanted in the
entry box on the Index tab and the lookup is done for you. Two chars to
type for '**'.
But the situation
one finds oneself in is seeing two asterikses and not even being aware
they are particular to function definitions/invocations.
If you find a symbol in a particular context, the entry for the context
seems a reasonable place to start.
Terry Jan Reedy