There are other means of finding information than Google. Really.
This is really only a very minor point in my argument, so I dont want to
put the focus on this.
But really, no.
Googling 'myprogramminglanguage conceptimtryingtofigureout' is my first,
second and third line of defence. Yes, I could read the reference manual
from top to bottom, and if I already knew about the existence of your
article then im sure that would be a great help too. But the situation
one finds oneself in is seeing two asterikses and not even being aware
they are particular to function definitions/invocations. Im fluent in
many different languages and well versed in CS concepts and jargon, but
I had no idea what to search for when first trying to figure out the
meaning of these symbols, and that does not happen often to me.