dhyams wrote:
Python 2.7.2
I'm having trouble in a situation where I need to mix-in the
functionality of __getattr__ after the object has already been
created. Here is a small sample script of the situation:
import types
class Cow(object):
# this __getattr__ works as advertised.
#def __getattr__(self,a):
# print "CAUGHT INCLASS: Attempting to get attribute ",a
def attrgetter(self,a):
print "CAUGHT: Attempting to get attribute ",a
bessie = Cow()
bessie.__getattr__ = types.MethodType(attrgetter,bessie,Cow)
# here, I should see my printout "attempting to get attribute"
# but I get an AttributeException
print bessie.milk
If I call __getattr__ directly, as in bessie.__getattr__('foo'), it
works as it should obviously; so the method is bound and ready to be
called. But Python does not seem to want to call __getattr__
appropriately if I mix it in after the object is already created. Is
there a workaround, or am I doing something wrongly?
Python only looks up __xxx__ methods in new-style classes on the class
itself, not on the instances.
So this works:
class Cow(object):
def attrgetter(self, a):
print "CAUGHT: Attempting to get attribute", a
bessie = Cow()
Cow.__getattr__ = attrgetter
print bessie.milk