"Laszlo Nagy" <gand...@shopzeus.com> wrote in message news:mailman.603.1314797809.27778.python-l...@python.org... > >>> Where it says: >>> >>>> Installation and setup of server can be as easy as follows: >>>> >>>> $ easy_installPyWebDAV >>>> $ davserver-D/tmp-n-J >>>> Starting upPyWebDAV server(version0.9.2-dev) >>>>>> ATTENTION: Authentication disabled! >>>>>> Serving datafrom /tmp >>>>>> Listening on localhost(8008) >> Yes, but that's Unix/Linux again. >> But I'm in Windows, without experience with Python. > Not really... The "easy_install" command is the same on windows. Maybe the > command prompt is different, but the command itself is the same. Same is > true with the "davserver" command. If you can find a "davserver.exe" or > "davserver.py" or "davserver.pyw" file under site-packages or > tools/scripts, then that will be the program that you need to start up. No > magic. >
Actually, I installed easy_install setuptools for Windows (setuptools-0.6c11.win32-py2.7.exe). Running easy_install generated an error message: "Setuptools version 0.6c9 or greater has been installed. (Run "ez_setup.py -U setuptools" to reinstall or upgrade.)" I did, quite something happened but the same error message came back when retrying. So, I installed it another way, indicated by Paul Kölle: "navigate to the folder you downloaded PyXML and PyWebDAV and run "python setup.py install" (python.exe has to be in your PATH). " That worked fine, but: There is no davserver script or executable. Please read my response to Paul Kölle. Fokke
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