On 07/21/2011 09:23 AM, Xah Lee wrote:
Thanks for the code.

are you willing to make it complete and standalone? i.e. i can run it
like this:

perl Rouslan_Korneychuk.pl dirPath

and it prints any file that has mismatched pair and line/column number
or the char position?

Since you asked, I put up a complete program at http://pastebin.com/d8GNL0kx

I don't know if it will run on Perl earlier than version 5.10 and I'm pretty sure it wont run below version 5.8.

Also, I realized that I had completely neglected the case of a closing bracket that is never opened (e.g. "stuff] stuff"). The program I put on paste bin has an updated regex that handles this case.

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