Rouslan Korneychuk, 18.07.2011 09:09:
I don't know why, but I just had to try it (even though I don't usually use
Perl and had to look up a lot of stuff). I came up with this:

(\()(?&matched)([\}\]”›»】〉》」』]|$) |
(\{)(?&matched)([\)\]”›»】〉》」』]|$) |
(\[)(?&matched)([\)\}”›»】〉》」』]|$) |
(“)(?&matched)([\)\}\]›»】〉》」』]|$) |
(‹)(?&matched)([\)\}\]”»】〉》」』]|$) |
(«)(?&matched)([\)\}\]”›】〉》」』]|$) |
(【)(?&matched)([\)\}\]”›»〉》」』]|$) |
(〈)(?&matched)([\)\}\]”›»】》」』]|$) |
(《)(?&matched)([\)\}\]”›»】〉」』]|$) |
(「)(?&matched)([\)\}\]”›»】〉》』]|$) |
\((?&matched)\) |
\{(?&matched)\} |
\[(?&matched)\] |
“(?&matched)” |
‹(?&matched)› |
«(?&matched)» |
【(?&matched)】 |
〈(?&matched)〉 |
《(?&matched)》 |
「(?&matched)」 |
『(?&matched)』 |

If the pattern matches, there is a mismatched bracket. $1 is set to the
mismatched opening bracket. $-[1] is its location. $2 is the mismatched
closing bracket or '' if the bracket was never closed. $-[2] is set to the
location of the closing bracket or the end of the string if the bracket
wasn't closed.

I didn't write all that manually; it was generated with this:

my @open = ('\(','\{','\[','“','‹','«','【','〈','《','「','『');
my @close = ('\)','\}','\]','”','›','»','】','〉','》','」','』');

(0 .. $#open)).')(?(DEFINE)(?<matched>(?:'.join('|',map
{$open[$_].'(?&matched)'.$close[$_]} (0 ..

That's solid Perl. Both the code generator and the generated code are unreadable. Well done!



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