
i've included the code so interested people can take a look.
I've tried to expand on the thread of 26/05/2005 on "Checking for a full
house". Code is suboptimal as I coded it rather quickly.
I've added the "normal" classes one would expect from a cardgame: card,
deck, hand etc.

1. I can detect most things except a straightflush. The problem with the
code now is that it only returns 1 straight which is enough for mere
"straight" detection but won't suffice for hand comparison and
especially detecting straight flushes. For use in straight flush
detection, the function would need to return all possible straights and
then these would need to be checked to see if they are flushes.
For instance a list [4,4,5,5,6,7,8] yields 4 different straights.
A hand like [4,4,5,5,6,7,8,9] gets even worse.
I can't see how i can do this using sets, i'll need to come up with
another method since the suit is important.

2. Hand comparison.
For this to succeed the getrank function would need to return the exact
5 cards that represent the highest hand. This could be less than 5 cards
if one uses wildcards. Then you not only have the correct rank but also
the highest hand so you can compare in case there are ties.

3. x wild.
For games like "deuces wild", what would be the best way to manage
those? I tought about removing them from a hand before shipping it of to
the getrank function?

Any ideas?

Benedict Verheyen

===================== CODE =====================
Attempt for a poker cardgame representation
Benedict Verheyen
Code additions from web (http://www.ibiblio.org/obp/thinkCSpy/) and
newsgroup comp.lang.python esp. Raymond Hettinger
import random

class Card(object):
      Represents a single card
      2,3,4, ... 10, 11 for Jack, 12 for Queen,
      13 for King, 14 for Ace
      suitList = ["Clubs", "Diamonds", "Hearts", "Spades"]
      rankList = [ "narf", "narf", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8",
"9", "10",
                  "Jack", "Queen", "King", "Ace"]

      def __init__(self, suit=0, rank=0):
          Initialise a card
          @type suit: int
          @param suit: suit of the card (see suitList)
          @type rank: int
          @param rank: rank of the card (see rankList)
          self.suit = suit
          self.rank = rank

      def __str__(self):
          Pretty print a card
          return self.rankList[self.rank] + " of " + 

      def __cmp__(self, other):
          Compare 2 cards
          @type other: card
          @param other: the card to compare with
          # check the suits
          if self.suit > other.suit: return 1
          if self.suit < other.suit: return -1
          # suits are the same... check ranks
          if self.rank > other.rank: return 1
          if self.rank < other.rank: return -1
          # ranks are the same... it's a tie
          return 0

class Deck(object):
      Represents a deck of cards. We can have different decks of cards
      DECK_NORMAL = 1     # 52 cards

      def __init__(self,decktype=DECK_NORMAL):
          Makes a deck of cards
          @type decktype: type of deck
          @param decktype: what type of deck is it? (DECK_NORMAL,...)
          self.cards = []
          for suit in range(4):
            for rank in range(2, 15):
              self.cards.append(Card(suit, rank))

      def printdeck(self):
          Pretty print the deck
          for card in self.cards:
            print card

      def __str__(self):
          Pretty print the deck
          s = ""
          for i in range(len(self.cards)):
              s = s + " "*i + str(self.cards[i]) + "\n"
          return s

      def sort(self,rank=True,suit=False):
          Sort the deck
          def sortonrank(x,y):
              if x.rank > y.rank: return 1
              if x.rank < y.rank: return -1
              return 0
          def sortonsuit(x,y):
              if x.suit > y.suit: return 1
              if x.suit < y.suit: return -1
              return 0
          def sortonboth(x,y):
              return cmp(x,y)

          if ( rank == True and suit == False):
          elif ( suit == True and rank == False ):
              self.cards.sort(sortonboth) # roept sort van card op

      def shuffle(self,nshuffle=1):
          Shuffle the deck of cards. This happens by swapping cards
          @type nshuffle: int
          @param nshuffle: how many times do we shuffle
          import random
          nCards = len(self.cards)
          # swap cards on place i and j
          for shuffle in range(nshuffle):
              print " shuffle %s " % shuffle
              for i in range(nCards):
                  j = random.randrange(i, nCards)
                  [self.cards[i], self.cards[j]] = [self.cards[j],

      def removecard(self, card):
          Removes a card from the deck. Do not use this function if you want
          to keep playing with the same deck afterwards!
          @type card: card
          @param card: card you want to remove
          if card in self.cards:
              return 1
          else: return 0

      def removecardindex(self,index):
          Remove a card at the given index. You get the card so you can
          return it to the deck later
          if ( index >= 0 and index <= len(self) ):
              return self.cards.pop(index)

      def addcard(self,card):
          Add the card back to the bottom of the deck
          @type card: card
          @param card: card you want to add to the deck

      def popcard(self):
          Get the top card and deal it
          return self.cards.pop()

      def isempty(self):
          Is the deck empty?
          return (len(self.cards) == 0)

      def deal(self, hands, ncards=999):
          Deal a number of cards to the hands. ncards are dealt to each 
          @type hands: list
          @param hands: list of hands to deal to
          @type ncards: int
          @param ncards: number of cards to deal to each hand
          nhands = len(hands)
          for hand in hands:
              for i in range(ncards):
                  if self.isempty(): break    # break if out of cards
                  card = self.popcard()       # take the top card
                  # hand = hands[i % nhands]    # whose turn is next?
                  hand.addcard(card)          # add the card to the hand
                  # print " deal card %s to %s " % (card,hand)

      def __len__(self):
          How many cards are there in the deck?
          return len(self.cards)

class Hand(Deck):
      A hand is a kind of deck that contains cards
      def __init__(self, name=""):
          Make a hand of cards
          @type name: string
          @param name: hand belongs to person with this name
          self.cards = []
          self.name = name

      def addcard(self,card) :

      def __str__(self):
          Pretty print the hand
          s = "Hand " + self.name
          if self.isempty():
              s = s + " is empty\n"
              s = s + " contains\n"
          return s + Deck.__str__(self)

class CardGame(object):
      A card game
      def __init__(self):
          Start a card game by taking a deck of cards and shuffling it
          self.deck = Deck()

class Rank(object):
      def __init__(self,rnk,name):
          self.rnk = rnk
          self.name = name
      def __str__(self):
          return self.name

class HandComparator(object):

class HandEvaluator(object):
      RANK_NOTHING = Rank(1,"High card")
      RANK_PAIR = Rank(2,"Pair")
      RANK_DOUBLEPAIR = Rank(3,"Double Pair")
      RANK_THREEOFAKIND = Rank(4,"Three of a Kind")
      RANK_STRAIGHT = Rank(5,"Straight")
      RANK_FLUSH = Rank(6,"Flush")
      RANK_FULLHOUSE = Rank(7,"Full House")
      RANK_FOUROFAKIND = Rank(8,"Four of a Kind")
      RANK_STRAIGHTFLUSH = Rank(9,"Straight Flush")
      RANK_FIVEOFAKIND = Rank(10,"Five of a Kind")

      def __init__(self):
          print "Ready to evaluate hands"

      def is_straight(self,hand,numwildcards=0):
          """Checks for a five card straight

          Inputs: list of non-wildcards plus wildcard count
              2,3,4, ... 10, 11 for Jack, 12 for Queen,
              13 for King, 14 for Ace
              Hand can be any length (i.e. it works for seven card games).

          Outputs:  highest card in a five card straight
                    or 0 if not a straight.
              Original list is not mutated.
              Ace can also be a low card (i.e. A2345).

          >>> is_straight([14,2,3,4,5])
          >>> is_straight([14,2,3,4,6])
          >>> is_straight([10,11,12,13,14])
          >>> is_straight([2,3,5], 2)
          >>> is_straight([], 5)
          >>> is_straight([2,4,6,8,10], 3)
          >>> is_straight([2,4,4,5,5], 2)
          hand = set(hand)
          if 14 in hand:
          for low in (10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1):
              needed = set(range(low, low+5))
              if len(needed & hand) + numwildcards >= 5:
                  lhand = [x for x in hand]
                  ind = lhand.index(low+4)
                  str = lhand[ind-4:ind+1]
                  return low+4
          return -1

      def is_group(self,hand,numwildcards=0):
          """Checks for pairs, threes-of-kind, fours-of-a-kind,
             and fives-of-a-kind

          Inputs: list of non-wildcards plus wildcard count
              2,3,4, ... 10, 11 for Jack, 12 for Queen,
              13 for King, 14 for Ace
              Hand can be any length (i.e. it works for seven card games)
          Output: tuple with counts for each value (high cards first)
              for example (3, 14), (2, 11)  full-house Aces over Jacks
              for example (2, 9), (2, 7)    two-pair Nines and Sevens
          Maximum count is limited to five (there is no seven of a kind).
          Original list is not mutated.

          >>> groups([11,14,11,14,14])
          [(3, 14), (2, 11)]
          >>> groups([7, 9, 10, 9, 7])
          [(2, 9), (2, 7)]
          >>> groups([11,14,11,14], 1)
          [(3, 14), (2, 11)]
          >>> groups([9,9,9,9,8], 2)
          [(5, 9), (2, 8)]
          >>> groups([], 7)
          [(5, 14), (2, 13)]
          result = []
          counts = [(hand.count(v), v) for v in range(2,15)]
          for count, value in sorted(counts, reverse=True):
              newcount = min(5, count + numwildcards) # Add wildcards
upto five
              numwildcards -= newcount - count        # Wildcards remaining
              if newcount > 1:
                  result.append((newcount, value))
          return result

      def is_flush(self,hand,numwildcards=0):
          result = []
          counts = [(hand.count(v), v) for v in range(0,4)]
          for count, suit in sorted(counts, reverse=True):
              newcount = min(5, count + numwildcards) # Add wildcards
upto five
              numwildcards -= newcount - count        # Wildcards remaining
              if newcount >= 5:
                  # we have a flush, return the flush suit
                  # result.append((newcount, value))
                  return suit
          return -1

      def is_straightflush(self,hand,numwildcards=0):
          return -1

      def getrank(self,hand,numwildcards=0):
          result_group = None
          result_straight = None
          result_flush = None
          result_sf = None
          nrofresult = 0
          rank = None

          cardranks = [card.rank for card in hand.cards]
          cardsuits = [card.suit for card in hand.cards]

          # check for groups
          result_group = self.is_group(cardranks,numwildcards)
          rank = self.__rankgroup(result_group)

          # if rank is lower than a four of a kind, a straight flush is
          # still better
          if (rank[0] < HandEvaluator.RANK_FIVEOFAKIND):
              result_sf = is_straightflush(hand

          # if rank is lower than a fullhouse, a flush might be higher
          if (rank[0] < HandEvaluator.RANK_FULLHOUSE):
              result_flush = self.is_flush(cardsuits,numwildcards)
              if ( result_flush > -1 ):
                  return self.__rankflush(result_flush)

          # if rank is lower than a straight, it's useful to check for a
          # straight
          if (rank[0] < HandEvaluator.RANK_STRAIGHT):
              result_straight = self.is_straight(cardranks,numwildcards)
              if ( result_straight > -1 ):
                  return self.__rankstraight(result_straight)

          # return the rank
          return rank

      def __namerank(self,rank):
          return Card.rankList[rank]

      def __namesuit(self,suit):
          return Card.suitList[suit]

      def __rankgroup(self,group):
          pair = 0
          trips = 0
          ranks = []

          if (len(group) == 0 ): return (HandEvaluator.RANK_NOTHING,ranks)

          for count,rank in group:
              if ( count >= 5 ):
                  return (HandEvaluator.RANK_FIVEOFAKIND,ranks)
              elif ( count == 4 ):
                  return (HandEvaluator.RANK_FOUROFAKIND,ranks)
              elif ( count == 3 ):
                  trips += 1
              elif ( count == 2 ): # can lead to a double pair
                  # check to see if we have a next pair
                  pair += 1

          # Full house?
          if ( trips >= 2 ): return (HandEvaluator.RANK_FULLHOUSE,ranks)
          if ( trips == 1 and pair >= 1 ): return

          # Trips
          if ( trips >= 1 ): return (HandEvaluator.RANK_THREEOFAKIND,ranks)

          # Check for a pair or a double pair
          if ( pair >= 2 ):
              return (HandEvaluator.RANK_DOUBLEPAIR,ranks)
          elif ( pair == 1 ):
              return (HandEvaluator.RANK_PAIR,ranks)

      def __rankflush(self,suit):
          ranks = []
          return (HandEvaluator.RANK_FLUSH,ranks)

      def __rankstraight(self,highcard):
          ranks = []
          return (HandEvaluator.RANK_STRAIGHT,ranks)

      def getprintablerank(self,handeval):
          rank = handeval[0]
          cards = handeval[1]
          what = ""
          if ( rank == HandEvaluator.RANK_PAIR or
               rank == HandEvaluator.RANK_THREEOFAKIND or
               rank == HandEvaluator.RANK_FOUROFAKIND or
               rank == HandEvaluator.RANK_FIVEOFAKIND ):
              what = "%s of %s's " % (rank, cards[0])
          elif ( rank == HandEvaluator.RANK_FULLHOUSE ):
              what = "%s, %s's over %s's" % (rank, cards[0], cards[1])
          elif ( rank == HandEvaluator.RANK_DOUBLEPAIR ):
              what = "%s, %s's and %s's" % (rank, cards[0], cards[1])
          elif ( rank == HandEvaluator.RANK_NOTHING ):
              what = "%s" % rank
          elif ( rank == HandEvaluator.RANK_STRAIGHT ):
              what = "%s, %s high" % (rank,cards[0])
          elif ( rank == HandEvaluator.RANK_FLUSH ):
              what = "%s of %s" % (rank,cards[0])
          return what

if __name__ == "__main__":

      # Deal to 5 players, first 3 cards, then 1 and another 3
      todeal = []
      for hnd in range(0,5):
          todeal.append(Hand("Player %s" % (hnd + 1) ))

      d = Deck()
      print " Dealing 2 cards to all players "
      print " Dealing 1 cards to all players "
      print " Dealing 2 cards to all players "

      print " What are the hands of the players "
      ev = HandEvaluator()
      for hand in todeal:
          print "%s" % hand
          rank = ev.getrank(hand)
          print "%s" % ev.getprintablerank(rank)
          print "*"*40
      print " What's left in the deck?"
      print "%s" % d
      print " %s cards left in the deck " % len(d)

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