On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 4:28 AM, Ivan Kljaic <iklj...@gmail.com> wrote:
> For how many years are this vui library wars going on. How many. Look.
> I am a open source supporter but Windows will always kick the ass of
> open source because the open source comunity can not make a decision.

You think Microsoft makes decisions and sticks with them? Look at
Office's last few versions. They can't decide on a file format, an
interface, a featureset... everything keeps changing. The difference
is that in the open-source world, everything survives and can be seen
as a set of alternatives, whereas in the closed-source world, it's
either different versions of one program (like MS Office), or
competing products (which usually means one of them dies for lack of
money - or is bought out by the other).

What we have is not indecision, it is options. Imagine if you went to
a hardware shop and were offered only one tool: a magnet. Would you
laud them for making a decision and sticking with it? No, you'd wonder
what they have against hammers and screwdrivers. I like to have tools
available to my use, not someone else making my decisions for me.

There's competition in the open source world, too; primarily
competition for developer time, a quite scarce resource. If a toolkit
is not of value to people, it won't get as many dev hours,  so you can
often gauge popularity and usefulness by the VCS checkins.


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