Ok. I asked about this questio because I am working with python for the last 5 years and I am always in touch about signifigact things in Python. I am pissed of that I make my living by developing applications at work in Java an C#. My comPany would switch to python but they complained that there is not even one single gui builder or framework that can allow it to make a living from it. If you are going to say that there are also other libraries with every single one there is a significant problem that make the development painfull.
About the natural selection... I'll say it with the words of penn&teller:bullshit For how many years are this vui library wars going on. How many. Look. I am a open source supporter but Windows will always kick the ass of open source because the open source comunity can not make a decision. Just imagine what we would have today if the effort of development would have been used to develop one really good library. We would have kicked the ass of MS and steve balmer. The average user wants something simple and not something to program to do something. It looks that the firs linux os to realize that is successfull. I am talking about android. And the python development team is doing nothing to improve the situatio to solve this dispute that lasts for the last years by including the worthless Tk library and now upgrading it with Tix. To summarize it. It would be very helpfull for python to spread if there qould be one single good rad gui builder similar to vs or netbeAns but for python. So right now if i need to make a gui app i need to work with an applicatio that is dicontinued for the last 5 years is pretty buggy but is ok. If it would only be maintained and the libraby updated it would be great. When it comes to other application, sorry but they are just bad. Their userfriendlyness is simmilar to most of Ms products, they are "user friendly" but the problem is that they very wisely chose their friends. The ony worthly ones mentioning as an gui builder are boa constructor fo wx, qtDesigner with the famous licence problems why companies do not want to work with it, sharpdevelop for ironpython and netbeans for jython. Did you notice that 2 of these 4 are not for python? One is out of dTe and one has a fucked up licence. Sorry guys but there is not even one single rad gui tool for python as long as there is no serious guibuilder. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list