From: "Kevin Walzer" <>

> On 5/22/11 3:44 AM, Octavian Rasnita wrote:
>> Somebody told that C# and Objective C are good languages. They might be 
>> good, but they are proprietary, and not only that they are proprietary, but 
>> they need to be ran under platforms that cannot be used freely, so from the 
>> freedom point of view, Perl, Ruby, Python and Java are the ways to go.
> Proprietary?
> Licensing options for C# in its Mono (Free Platform) implementation:
> Licensing options for Objective-C in its GNUStep (Free Platform) 
> implementaiton
> It may be true that these languages are more widely used on their 
> originating platforms (Windows, OS X) than on Linux, but these 
> implementations are definitely open source.

Exactly, this is why I said that it matters only the distributions used by the 
most users.



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