On Thu, 05 May 2011 20:55:36 +1200, Gregory Ewing
  <greg.ew...@canterbury.ac.nz> wrote:
:  It's not clear to me that references are any more abstract
:  than objects, or to put it another way, that objects are
:  any less abstract than references.
:  After all, in normal Python usage you never actually
:  *see* an object 

Sure, but you can refer directly to objects, pass objects around,
and refer to individual objects.  This is abstract in the sense
that it is far removed from the memory representation.  However,
the concept of a reference appears only when you explain how objects
are handled (semantics).  You cannot reference nor manipulate a 
reference in python, and that IMHO makes them more abstract.

:-- Hans Georg

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