On Wed, 4 May 2011 09:18:56 -0700 (PDT), Devin Jeanpierre
  <jeanpierr...@gmail.com> wrote:
:  I'm a bit uncomfortable with the vibe here. It's one thing for me to
:  self-deprecatingly suggest I'm brainwashed (with a smile), and another
:  for you to agree in complete seriousness.

I am sorry.  It was not meant to be an insult.  I do think that you
sit tightly in a frame of reference which is obviously not the only 
one appropriate, and IMNHO not the optimal one for the purpose.
"Brainwashed" was not a word I meant to take seriously.  Apologies.

I should have cut the C reference too; the same frame of reference 
could be adopted from any number of languages.  

Note that it was not the use of references as a concept I objected to,
but that they might be passed by value.  With the references being
purely abstract entities and not data objects, the idea that they
have values do not make sense.  And pass-by-value where the value
is a reference is just confusing.

:-- Hans Georg

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