On Monday 02 May 2011 13:22:44 Ben Finney wrote:
> rusi <rustompm...@gmail.com> writes:
> > You may want to look at rcs if you are in the space where
> But today, Bazaar or Mercurial fill that role just as well:
> quick simple set up, good tool support (yes, even in Emacs
> using VC mode), and easy to use for easy things.

Actually, Bazaar is more convenient than rcs for a single user, 
as the repository can be the working directory (with a "hidden" 
.bzr directory that stores diffs).  

I had to use git, too, because some projects use git for their 
version control (viz PySide, Nokia's tool to replace PyQt). IMHO 
there is not much to pick between git and Bazaar and hg is also 
rather similar.  The remaining doubts are betwwed the 
Distributed Version Control and the more traditional Subversion, 
which is also quite nice, even for  a single user.


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