On May 2, 8:22 am, Ben Finney <ben+pyt...@benfinney.id.au> wrote: > rusi <rustompm...@gmail.com> writes: > > You may want to look at rcs if you are in the space where you want: > > -- something better than tarballs > > -- no pretensions beyond single-user, single-machine, (almost)single- > > file usage (ie small scale) > > -- something that integrates nicely with emacs > > I might have agreed ten years ago; compared to CVS or Subversion, RCS is > simpler to use and set up and had lower workflow overhead. > > But today, Bazaar or Mercurial fill that role just as well: quick simple > set up, good tool support (yes, even in Emacs using VC mode), and easy > to use for easy things. > > I really don't see any benefit to using RCS for even a lone hacker > tracking files; Bazaar or Mercurial fill that role just as well, and > continue to work well as your needs grow.
In a word: single files. If you have a directory with a number of short unrelated scripts -- python, shell etc -- the philosophy: vcs-manages-projects-not-files is a nuisance not a help. And which is why things like zit http://git.oblomov.eu/zit have arisen: the need to go back from bzr/git/hg to (something like) rcs -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list