On Wed, 2011-04-13 at 17:39 -0700, rantingrick wrote: > You know Python is the best damn scripting language in the world. > However we harbor a collective secret, an elephant sized skeleton in > the community closet, a shameful scarlet letter of heartlessness and > ego centric-ity. Why is this the case? Why have let it go this far? > And most importantly, why the heck are we not doing something about > it? > > I have said before that Tkinter is lacking, however in the same breath > i laid out grandiose plans for a new beginning only to have my words > fall on deaf ears. Have we become so self absorbed as to care only for > our status and ego and not for the community at whole? Have we adopted > a pecking order that has become so ingrained into our minds that it > cannot escape the clutches of our own pedantic selfishness? > > Some may wonder why i am ranting about this today, well i'll tell you. > I use Tkinter quite liberally and i always seem to find a limitation > of the GUI. Now, just because a package has limitation does not render > it worthless, no! All packages have some limitations whether they be > literal "brick wall limitations"[BWL], or "stumbling block > limitations"[SBL], or whatever. Now, whilst i know for a fact that > Tkinter has many dire [BWL] that render most packages moot. Most of > the time a budding Tkinter noob will hit upon the stumbling block > kind. The kind that not only trip you up, but send you flying face > first in a festering and pungent cess pool full of feces and despair. > > Why must this happen i ask? Whist most of us can agree that [BWL] must > be accepted as "facts of life" we must never *ever* accept that [SBL] > to be the norm. > > Now you may be asking yourself, "What are some of the causes of > "stumbling block limitations". Here is a short list in the promblem > domain of software... > > * Poor Documentation or lack thereof > * Knowledge Hoarding > * Selfishness > * Lack of alturistic tendancies > > These four points represent the meat and potatoes of a community in > turmoil. A house divided against itself cannot stand. Lets discuss the > points in detail one by one > > ----------------------------------------- > 1. Poor documentation (or lack thereof): > ----------------------------------------- > Everyone knows that dcoumentation is important however at the end of > the day laziness is the rule of thumb for profesionals and weekend > teckies alike. But why be a part of any open source community and > propagate laziness? We must be more strict about doumentation. However > it seems the age old policies of "it's not what you know, but *who* > you know" or more correct;y adapted tot he situation at hand..."it's > not imprtant how well you document a module *unless* you are not a > goodfella (psst: a memeber of Guido inc). > > ----------------------------------------- > 2. Knowledge Hoarding: > ----------------------------------------- > Somehow, i dunno? I though this was an "open source" comminuty but boy > was i wrong. The old "Practice what you preach" ring a bell anyone, > hmm? We have people who would screm from the rafters about MS or some > other company horading knowledge through evil software patenting > practices however they have no problem going mum when "johnny the > noob" can't get module x, y, or z working correctly because of PISS > POOR DOCUMENTATION! I have enlightened this group long ago of the > limitless possibilities of IDLE to be a good primer for our budding > young programmers however like all my great brain children this one > has been cast aside like a red headed stepchild. Guido himself carries > most the blame squarely on his shoulders because as we all know IDLE > was Guildo's baby. And at the beginning this baby looked like a > keeper, however with years of neglect this baby has matured into a > lackluster hodge podge of half baked ideas and little or no > documentation. Not even the best pythonistas can follow this spaghetti > code without setting aside a full weekend of seclusion that would make > a hermit envious. Something must be done and i am sick and tired of > the silence from capitol hill. I want Guido to answer for these > crimes. I want hime to apologize, and i want him to sit down with me > (and any other interested parties) so we can formulate a battle plan > to get us out of this mess. The time for redemtion is nigh Mr Van > Rossum. > > ----------------------------------------- > Selfishness and lack of alturistic tendancies. > ----------------------------------------- > Well those two go hand in hand. > > nuff said. > --rr
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