You might try finding the source to pysol, and you might notice that
you have a bunch of *.py files and for each of those, a corresponding
.pyc file.  If you delete all the pyc files, then they'll get
re-created from the .py files, and you might be all set.


On 6/1/05, Ivan Van Laningham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All--
> I've been using PySol-4.40 for years, because that was the last Windows
> installer version I could find.  My wife's been using it for almost the
> same length of time.  That version's worked just fine on W98, W98SE, W2K
> (server included), and WinXP SP1.
> I upgraded to SP2 and pysol fails silently.  Running 'python pysol.pyw'
> gives me this error:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "pysol.pyw", line 64, in ?
>         imp.load_compiled("__main__", sys.argv[0])
> ImportError: Bad magic number in C:\Program
> Files\PySol-4.40\data\pysol.pyc
> I can't find any later version on google, although I turned up a thread
> on this list regarding running pysol in a later version on W98.  I also
> found but the
> version he has REQUIRES ActiveState python 2.2, even though he says he's
> put together a version for 2.3--and of course, I'm running Python 2.4.
> My wife's going to be force to upgrade to SP2 some of these days, and
> she won't be happy if her solitaire doesn't work.  Does anyone have a
> working version?  Anyone know what happened to Markus ... Oberhumer?
> Metta,
> Ivan
> ----------------------------------------------
> Ivan Van Laningham
> God N Locomotive Works
> Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
> Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours
> --

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