Ivan> Nope. The pyc files don't match the py files, and he imports the Ivan> pyc files directly. That's what 'imp.load_compiled("__main__", Ivan> sys.argv[0])' means. The windows version that Markus shipped Ivan> never included the .py files anyway, since he didn't need them.
Ivan, It's not as slick as Brian Lenihan's OSX package, but all I needed was the sound package (seems you have that), the raw source and the data directory from a not-to-old PySol distribution to get going. Until I downloaded Brian's package this evening I just ran from source using Python from CVS. I imagine you could do the same on Windows with Python 2.3 or 2.4. Ivan> I can get it working eventually, I suppose, but I was really Ivan> hoping someone else had done the work already, or at least had Ivan> pointers to docs on how to get it working. Here's my "pysol" command: #!/bin/bash cd ~/src/pysol-4.82/src pythonw pysol.py I'd be happy to package up a tar or zip file for you with a couple notes on installing it. Skip -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list