Steven D'Aprano wrote:
On Mon, 21 Feb 2011 14:23:10 +0100, Jean-Michel Pichavant wrote:
What is not legit, is to return different objects for which the caller
has to test the type to know what attributes he can use.
Well, I don't know... I'm of two minds.
On the one hand, I find it *really annoying* when this happens:, text).group()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'
The problem is that and re.match return None instead of a match-
object when they don't find anything. Perhaps they should return an empty
match object?
But on the other hand, there is a well known failure mode caused by doing
# Strip everything after a comment symbol.
offset = text.find("#")
text = text[:offset]
See the bug? If there's no # in the string, it drops the last character.
The most insidious part of the bug is that you might not notice, if your
strings end with whitespace. If str.find() returned None, at least you
would get a nice TypeError as soon as you tried to use it as a integer
So, it's not clear to me whether under *these* circumstances it's better
to return a completely different type, which cannot possibly be mistaken
for success, or a magic value of the same type.
(The third alternative is to raise an exception, and the unspeakably
awful alternative is to have a single global error flag for the operation
which must be checked.)
A rule cannot be 100% effective in any situation. At least that's the
case of this one. First of all, I think the rule is incomplete as I
stated it, None is an acceptable inconsistent type and can be returned
in some cases (if documented). Thanks to how logical operators work, you
can sometimes nicely handle 'None' values:
myMatch =, text)
print (myMatch and or 'No text found'
Your second point with the find method illustrates another problem,
handled by a very similar rule:
"Return values must be consistent in their meaning".
This is my personal preferences but I quite dislike this type of
inconsistent meaning, find should have raised an exception or returned
the None value if nothing is found. The -1 value meaning 'not found' is
very 80's old C style coding.