I didn't explain my problem, chose a terrible example. This is more
what I'm trying to do:
Basically the subclass I want to use is based on some of the data I extract
from a blob of data. If I use a function to extract the data before I create
the objects, then I need to do a bunch of assignments afterwards.
Unfortunately, it's still very contrived, and the names don't give any
suggestion as to what you're trying to achieve. Can you improve on that?
class ThingyTypeA:
def __init__(self):
# do some further extraction specific to type A
class ThingyTypeB:
def __init__(self):
# do some further extraction specific to type B
Perhaps you want those classes to inherit from your base class. Have you
done the Python tutorial? It covers inheritance and how to use it.
Yes, I have done subclasing before, and yes ThingyTypeA and B should be
subclassing Thingy
Yves. http://www.SollerS.ca/