On 2011-01-31, rantingrick <rantingr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> IDLE: A cornicopia of mediocrity and obfuscation.
> -- by Rick Johnson
RR's postings are generally tossed out by my score file, but after
seeing so many replies, my morbid curiousity finally got the best of
me, and I read (well, mostly) RR's posting on what's wrong with IDLE.

> -- rr: disappointed and annoyed!


We'll take it as read that I made some joke at this point involving
one of the definitions of "idle" as meaning running your motor and not
going anywhere...

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! My uncle Murray
                                  at               conquered Egypt in 53 B.C.
                              gmail.com            And I can prove it too!!

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