From: "alex23" <>
"Octavian Rasnita" <> wrote:
Ok, in this case I understand why WxPython can't be included in stdlib.
I think there was a communication problem because the oldest list members
start with the idea that all the list members know who is who and they
be thinking that I don't want to accept the reality or that I have bad
feelings about some list members or something like that.
The only expectation I as a list member have of you is that you maybe
hit the web and do a bit of search & research before starting on an
endless tirade. Implying that it was the responsibility of everyone
here to explain every little aspect of an issue you're supposedly
passionate about makes you seem either lazy or ignorant.

Hi Alex,

You are right, I was lazy and didn't searched on the net to find who are all
the list members that answered to my posts for understanding better their
position, so it's my fault.



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