On 1/27/2011 10:09 AM Octavian Rasnita said...
From: "Emile van Sebille"<em...@fenx.com>
On 1/26/2011 11:02 PM Octavian Rasnita said...

As we all know, Python doesn't care too much about maintaining a
backward compatibility

Where'd you get this idea?  Between v2 and v3 yes, that was the intent.

To be sincere I was thinking to the differences between Python 2 and 3.

  But otherwise, I think there's another miscommunication behind this...

It might be true, however I have seen some modules that say that are ment for 
Python 2.5, for 2.6 or for 2.7, so there seem to be differences between these 
versions also.

Yes - but don't confuse forward compatibility (which means programs you write today in the current version will work on the prior versions) with backward compatibility (which means programs written for earlier versions will run under newer versions)

I suspect that a lot of python 1.x code will work just fine under 2.x just as most 2.n will work under 2.m (where m>n). There are few exceptions, and those mostly in the standard library. I recall only getting stung once (something to do with passing in a tuple instead of two parameters in one or another imported module).



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