>What do you think Emile?
I think that that starts with you. You want to be more accepting when it
comes to you, but you've had no problems calling people an idiot and
otherwise insulting them just as you are complaining about.
On 1/25/2011 6:07 PM, rantingrick wrote:
On Jan 25, 6:55 pm, Emile van Sebille<em...@fenx.com> wrote:
Oh, that everyone should blindly accept you as is and without regard for
established protocols
What protocols? Where is this standard posted? Can you give me a link?
I would like to know what is expected of me.
-- we certainly should all jump to your slightest
Get a [CENSORED] clue.
Thats not very nice Emile.
What is it going to take for you (and others) to take me seriously? I
have been within this group for more than four years and you still do
not accept me. I have been ridiculed, brow beaten, laughed at,
trolled, and any negative thing that can be done to someone. Heck, in
my very first post i was crucified by the community. I'll admit that I
have made some mistakes -- and i have apologized for them. Maybe you
need to be a little more accepting of me. Maybe this group IS not a
homogeneous block as you would like. Maybe we ALL need to be a little
more humble to each other.
What do you think Emile?