On 01/21/2011 01:53 PM, Gerald Britton wrote:
What about string formatting operations (old style) though?  The %
symbols is a binary operator between a string and the substitution
values.  Strictly reading PEP 8 leads to:

my_string = ("A long string with %s substitutions that %s the line
should be %s." %
                    ("many", "suggest", "continued")

Depending on whether I have one item to map or multiple, I either bite the bullet and leave them all on one line:

my_string = "A long string with only one %s substitution in it" % adjective

if it's one substitution and the string is particularly long, I'll occasionally break the string itself:

  my_string = ("A long string with only one %s "
               "substitution in it that suggests "
               "being broken with a newline") % adjective

For multiple parameters (a tuple), I'll usually cram both the "%" and the "(" on the same line:

  my_string = "A long %s with %s substitution%s in it" % (
    "s", # plural

which makes it a little easier to see all my parameters. Finally, a combination of the *really* long string and multiple parameters, I usually use a secondary variable for readability, something like

  fmt_string = (
    "this is a %s %s with %s substitution%s in it "
    "and it extends over several %s"
  my_string = fmt_string % (
    "s", # plural

I like to have the parameters on their own line (and a trailing comma) because it makes my diffs uncluttered when things are added/removed.

That's just my own personal taste -- I too am interested in the perspectives of others on the list.



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