On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 11:53 AM, Gerald Britton
<gerald.brit...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Style question:
> PEP 8 suggests that line continuations be done by enclosing
> expressions in parentheses rather than using the line continuation
> character.  In the same paragraph, it states a preference to put
> binary operators at the end of the line to be continued, so:
> x = (a +
>       b)
> is preferred over:
> x = (a
>       + b)
> Fair enough.
> What about string formatting operations (old style) though?

Fair warning: They're deprecated and liable to possibly be removed:

> The %
> symbols is a binary operator between a string and the substitution
> values.  Strictly reading PEP 8 leads to:
> my_string = ("A long string with %s substitutions that %s the line
> should be %s." %
>                   ("many", "suggest", "continued")
>                  )
> However, I often see the % on the continued line, immediately
> preceding the substitution variables, like this:
> my_string = ("A long string with %s substitutions that %s the line
> should be %s."
>                   % ("many", "suggest", "continued")
>                  )
> This goes against the PEP 8 guidelines, but I prefer it since it makes
> the substitution variables "jump out" a bit more -- at least to me.

Remember that PEP 8 itself says:
"A Foolish Consistency is the Hobgoblin of Little Minds
  But most importantly: know when to be inconsistent -- sometimes the style
  guide just doesn't apply.  When in doubt, use your best judgment.  Look
  at other examples and decide what looks best."

i.e. Generally, don't read PEP 8 super-strictly.

FWIW, your style seems reasonable and slightly preferable to me.


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