Mark/Octavian, It sounds like Tka11y (spelled with the digit '1' vs. the letter 'L') addresses this problem for Linux users.
According to its website, adding accessability support is as simple as changing one import statement. Details follow my signature. Malcolm Tka11y - Tk Accessibility <quote> Note: Currently, accessibility is only available via ATK <=> AT-SPI on Linux. Sorry, no Windows MSAA support. Download A modification to Tkinter to make widgets visible to the AT-SPI layer so that tools like dogtail and Accerciser can see them. Tka11y uses Papi, the Python Accessibility Programming Interface, which in turn uses ATK, the GNOME Accessibility Toolkit, to expose Tkinter widgets to AT-SPI, the Assistive Technologies Service Provider Interface. This allows a Tkinter application's widgets to be viewed and/or controlled by a variety of assistive technologies such as Orca and Accerciser, and automated GUI testing tools such as dogtail and LDTP. These client tools usually use either cspi (C) or pyatspi (Python). Typical usage: import Tka11y as Tkinter or from Tka11y import * </quote> --