My previous question asked how to read a file into a strcuture
a line at a time.  Figured it out.  Now I'm trying to use .find
to separate out the PDF objects.  (See code)  PROBLEM/QUESTION:
My call to lines[i].find does NOT find all instances of endobj.
Any help available?  Any insights?


inputfile =  file('sample.pdf','rb')            # This is PDF with which we 
will work
lines = inputfile.readlines()                   # read file one line at a time

linestart = []                                  # Starting address for each line
lineend = []                                    # Ending address for each line
linetype = []

print len(lines)                                # print number of lines

i = 0                                           # define an iterator, i
addr = 0                                        # and address pointer

while i < len(lines):                           # Go through each line
    linestart = linestart + [addr]
    length = len(lines[i])
    lineend = lineend + [addr + (length-1)]
    addr = addr + length
    i = i + 1
i = 0
while i < len(lines):                           # Initialize line types as 
    linetype = linetype + ['normal']
    i = i + 1

i = 0
while i < len(lines):                           # 
    if lines[i].find(' obj') > 0:
        linetype[i] = 'object'
        print "At address ",linestart[i],"object found at line ",i,": ", 
    if lines[i].find('endobj') > 0:
        linetype[i] = 'endobj'
        print "At address ",linestart[i],"endobj found at line ",i,": ", 
    i = i + 1

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