How to read ansic file into a pre-defined class? I have a series of files written in the following format,
2 # number of classes 100 # number of items for the first class object 0 foo 1 foo ... 99 foo 150 # number of items for the second class object 0 bar 1 bar ... 149 bar ultimately I want to read the file to two *structs* (sorry for my C jargon, just started playing with Python), with attributes number_of_items and data_array. I wrote a simply code to read and split each line into a list, then try to tell the meaning of each line by the number of elements of each line list and the its position in the file. But it is definitely not the way Python should be used. Any ideas on how to implement a more elegant yet efficient python version? Thanks. meaning of each line by counting the number of elements --