py> import re
py> target = 'blah'
py> text = 'yaddah blah yaddah yaddah'
py> ext = re.sub(r'\b%s\b' % target,'',text)
py> ext
'yaddah  yaddah yaddah'

On Friday 27 May 2005 10:56 pm, cheng wrote:
> hi,all, i try to replace every target word found in the text
>  for target in splitText:
>         if stopwords.find(target) >= 0 :
>             text = re.sub(r'\b%s\b','',text) &target
> when i using the statment:
> text = re.sub(r'\b%s\b','',text) &target
>  get error : unsupported operand type(s) for &: 'str' and 'str'
> is it some idea that can modity it and make it work?

James Stroud
UCLA-DOE Institute for Genomics and Proteomics
Box 951570
Los Angeles, CA 90095

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